eleven | ❝rita f*cking skeeter❞

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fuck the tournament

y/n: harry's been airing all
my texts and it's kind hurting
me hahahhahahahahah

mione: he doesn't have his
phone with him rn silly

weasel: boo hoo sucks 2 be

weasel: keisjnqu71826:8n&:9

ron is offline

mione: you didn't have to
kick him in the stomach ❤️

y/n: oops

y/n: i'll apologise to him
when i find hairy pothole

mione: he's in the tent set
up, you won't be allowed in

y/n: bet <3

"hey, potter! pottAH-"

"draco- y/n? what the fuck are you doing here?"

harry turned to you in a panicked surprise as you peeked through the fabric of the tent wall with a small smile.

"you seem kinda jumpy? hermione told me that whenever a little child feels stressed they should take deep breaths and concentrate-"

"yeah, and then i have to battle a dragon," he mumbled.

you stared at the ground for a second, harry truly seemed nervous. he noticed your silence.

"y/n- oomph!"

you jumped onto him, your arms wrapping around him tightly as he held you too - a moment quickly ruined by an awful woman your mother loved to rant about.

you frowned. "rita fucking skeeter."

the 'news reporter' 'smiled' in your direction as she walked forth with a cameraman and an enchanted quill and piece of parchment.

"young love!" she grinned greedily, "how..." she paused for a moment as she looked for the right adjective.

"stirring," she nodded. her eyes drifted onto you and you swore her peppy attitude broke for a second. you smirked at her as you felt harry take your hand in his - if she wanted a story she'd get one.

"thalia l/n's girl!" she gasped surprised, "... and the chosen one? holy sh-"

"you have no business here!" viktor defended, "this is for champions... and friends?" he looked at you unsure yet a small smile appeared on his face.

you nodded thankfully and rita soon lost her confidence. the woman left and for a moment you thought you were safe.

"good day champions! you've waited, you've wandered and... y/n l/n, what are you doing in here?"

harry eyed you nervously as you stared at albus dumbledore with a wide innocent smile.

"i was just saying good luck to my friend, well i've done that now so i'll be off!"

you quickly turned to harry and planted a kiss on his cheek before giving a hug to cedric and running back to the stands. everyone stared at potter silently as his face turned to the shade of his uniform.

a/n: * airing = leaving someone on read/delivered

a/n 2: sorry for the inactivity lol

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