twenty-eight | ❝their return❞

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"the music slaps but what the hell is everyone talking about, huh? can we normalise giving context in 2020 please?"

it was hard to see what was going on when so many people were dancing and cheering to the music.

you didn't understand, people were still in a good mood and the band didn't halt in their playing. but then atmosphere changed for the worst.

a terrified scream, fleur's scream, shot through the crowd as the band's rendition of 'wap' abruptly paused.

a couple of seats away, you could see hermione and ron push their way through others to get to you. the granger girl took your hand and hesitated before bringing you onto the grass.

you didn't see it at first, or maybe you did but you refused to believe it.

it was only when dumbledore attempted to remove harry off of the thing he was clutching to you saw what all the panic was about.

your eyes widened, your grip on hermione hand becoming tighter as you saw the body of cedric diggory lay lifeless on the ground.

you didn't react in the way you thought you would when confronted with death. you didn't cry, you didn't scream. you just inhaled and exhaled before asking the simple question of-

"harry, what happened?"

harry didn't face you, his head and hands glued to cedric's unmoving chest. you could hear his sobbing, the desperate grip on cedric's dirtied uniform not loosening.

then the calmness you tried to possess began to disappear.

"harry, what the fuck happened? tell me what happened to ced!"

voldemort is back

you marched forward only to be pulled back by ron, the weasley holding your other hand as teachers ushered students away from the scene.

"what the fuck did you just say?"

"y/n, please remain calm!"

"no, professor mcgonagall, i won't fucking calm down! cedric is dead because of that fucking crusty dusty bi-"

"y/n l/n," dumbledore said, "please go inside with harry and professor moody."

you turned, the one eyed teacher already dragging harry back to the castle in such a suspicious manner it filled you to the brim with frustration. how was no one else seeing this?

'harry was right,' you thought to yourself, 'moody's the imposter.'

two soft hands landed on your face and they pulled your gaze away from cedric and the disappearing duo. hermione

you held her hands for a moment before removing them from your face. you swallowed harshly before eyeing the scene behind you.

hermione brushed your hair out of your face and kissed your forehead before whispering the words, "y/n, i'm so sorry-"

"no... it's okay, love," you interrupted. you took a step back as amos ran past all of you to reach his son in an agonising display of grief.

"i'll be fine, okay? we should focus on amos and harry right now." you paused for a moment before locking gazes with a devastated girl a few metres away. "we should uhm... cho needs help too."

"what about you? you're clearly not fine, y/n," ron said, "we're just trying to help."

"yeah, i know but they need it more," you replied. "i'll be alright guys, seriously."

before they could press further you backed away, the cries of amos and panic from staff echoing in your ears as you left the area as quick as you could.

you had to confront alastar moody before you could be hurt any further.

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