RED x BLUE - It really is, huh?

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both boys, and its imposter x imposter (theyre the only two imposters)

heheheheh i have so many drafts saved for like 1-every-2-day uploads xdxd-

He didn't care.

As long as he could just fulfil the underlying desire to kill, to taste the agony, the loud screams and cries, feel the jagged flesh on his hands, he really didn't care how it would have to be done.

How he would have to sacrifice one of his friends for his own selfish, greedy needs.

But hey, as long as he was satisfied.


Walking across the wooden panels on MIRA HQ, he was truly bored.

Usually, as an imposter, he would've had some sort of hunger for a lifeless corpse..

One that belonged to his "friends".

People who didn't suspect him of being a shameless, deceptive liar, a murderer inside of a red-coloured spacesuit.

People who had loved and cherished his existence on this place.

People who had no misgivings from his parasitical self, trotting from room to room, "doing" his "tasks", preferably alone and in a secluded place, so people wouldn't ever think that he was an imposter.

People who would probably be dead soon.

He was aware of who else was an imposter on this ship.

It was Blue. And he'd seen it himself.

He's watched him vent about twice now, and Blue was aware he was an imposter too.

And, they had worked together, tactically taking down members one by one..

Well, more like just one.

That was Brown, who was foolish enough to go alone instead of in pairs, like Purple had suggested before anyone was dead.

Before having to deal with a death haunted everyone like ghosts fluttering aimlessly around, looking for someone to torment and worry endlessly.

It was Blue who did most of the killing, and to be honest, he seemed hungry..

He was quiet, skeptical, but he was also mean and didn't care about your feelings. If he hurt you, then he hurt you, and he wouldn't apologise for it.

Stubborn.. and Cyan had big misgivings about him. Rightfully so, honestly.

Anyways, he may as well find him.. where could he be?



As he had walked in to Yellow.. pissing on the floor? What the fuck??

"Okay what the literal everloving fuck Yellow-"

"S-shut up! Someone locked all the toilets..."

The sudden hunger to kill encompassed Blue, and he felt it.

Its gnarly, sharp claws, digging and gnawing into his body, reminding him of what he was here to do.

He wasn't here to make friends.

He was here to eat.

To kill.

Stepping toward Yellow, he knew what to do.

Alerted, Yellow stepped backwards, the disgusting-smelling piss running down her legs, dripping onto the Medbay scanner as she stepped onto it.

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