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Katara healed him once more, as he thanked her again.

"I can't believe how dumb you were. What made you taunt Azula to shoot her lightning? You were crazier than her when you said that." Katara gave him a look. Zuko gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry?" Katara huffed, "Tell that to yourself, because of your big mouth, you have a scar on your chest." The scar on his abdomen strangely reminded her of the scar on Aang's back. Maybe it was because they were both made by that psycho, Azula.

She pitied the firebender momentarily, seeing Azula of all people cry was out of the norm for many reasons. She pitied her, even more, when Zuko had told her that Azula was only fourteen, the same age as herself. To see the manipulative, cunning, and well, scary girl break down and cry was one of the strangest things ever.

"I just hope the others are doing well," Zuko said. Katara nodded, "I'm sure Sokka, Suki, and..." Katara raised an eyebrow, "This might be random but remind me why did we let the blind girl be hundreds of feet above the ground with only Sokka as her eyes?" Zuko shrugged, "Spur of the moment decision?" Katara frowned.

"Let's just hope that decision didn't cost Toph's life-not that she can't handle herself." Zuko's eyes stared at the ground, "How do you think Aang is doing?" Zuko asked. Katara scoffed, "If he even showed up, that is." Zuko raised an eyebrow, cocking his head. "Did you just say that or did Azula's lightning get me?"

Katara sighed, "Sorry, I guess I was just feeling a little...annoyed that he just...left." Zuko frowned, "If I remember correctly, it was you reassuring me that he would be there to fight my father." Katara removed the water from his chest, sitting down fully next to him. "Yeah, I was, wasn't I?" She placed a hand on her jaw. "Is it bad to sort of resent him for just disappearing?" She asked softly.

"Not really. I mean, I would feel annoyed if the love of my life just disappeared before I got to say goodbye to them." Katara's brows raised, "What? What are you talking about?" Zuko chuckled. "I think everyone in our little gang knows about you two. And believe or not, I think I might be your biggest supporter."

His words sunk in, making Katara pout a little. "Seeing as Aang was her first-ever friend, Toph supports you guys even though she acts like she doesn't really care. Suki thinks you guys are cute and even my uncle mentioned it once in our travels." Katara perked up, "Your uncle?"

Zuko nodded, "I remember him saying 'That waterbender girl seems nice, you should talk to her more.' And I said, excuse me, 'That water tribe peasant? Why would I like her? How would I even talk to her when she's friends with the Avatar? Are you out of your mind uncle??' I remember him laughing and then saying, 'Good. Because I doubt you would even have a chance, my nephew. She's quite infatuated with that Avatar. No offense, of course.' Then he asked me to have some tea with him, and as usual, I said no."

Katara giggled, "Yeah, Uhm, no offense Zuko but you're like a brother to me. But I did hear some ladies talk about your 'hotness' before." Zuko smiled softly, "You're like the sister I never had. But, I, uh, tell them to thank you for me." His laugh turned into an awkward chuckle. Katara laughed in response.

"You know, you're the most awkward person I've ever met." Katara teased, "And you aren't? I've seen the way you tried to talk to Aang. The dude seems so casual while you're as nervous as Sokka is with public speaking." Katara rubbed the back of her neck, eyes darting around nervously.

"He's, uh, sort of the only person that makes me know." She looked a bit shy, Zuko concurred. "I get it. But Aang doesn't seem so nervous when he's talking to you for some reason, I thought he was the type of guy to stutter around the girls he likes." Like you aren't, Katara thought, remembering how even talking about Mai seemed to rile him up.

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