Chapter 06

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If there had been an award for the dumbest shit ever done by a genderfluid person, Alex surely would have won it. Most of the time, dumb shit was her forte, somehow, she had managed to top it all in one day.

Of course, it hadn't started out as a dumbass move. It really only grew to be so. And, the way Alex saw it, it was mostly Magnus' fault, because who gave him the right?

On Saturday, in the middle of November, it started snowing. Obviously, the only thing everyone could do was go to the park and have a snowball fight. It had been Mallory's idea to force Magnus to join them, her being incredibly spiteful of his love of sleeping until seven p.m and then staying awake until nine a.m.

"And he wonders why he has a shitty sleeping schedule," Mallory scoffed, knocking on the door to his apartment. She, T.J, and Halfborn had all forged their way over to Chase Apartments, and demanded to see Alex, who had been eating cereal when she was dragged out of the kitchen by her friends and brought upstairs to annoy Magnus.

Of course, when realizing their intentions of bugging the hell out of her best friend, Alex readily agreed, even running back to get a can of silly string she had from her room.

The door swung open, revealing a balding middle aged man holding a coffee mug. When he saw the group of teens, he sighed and stepped aside, allowing them inside wordlessly. Mallory led the way to Magnus' room, barging in. Alex tossed the can of silly string to the redhead, who took it.

Alex made her way over to Magnus' bed, pulling one of the pillows from underneath his head, which woke him up effectively, somehow, and hit him on the face with it.

"What the hel-"

"Get up, dumbass, we're going to the park," Alex said as Mallory opened the black out curtains over Magnus' window. Magnus groaned, starting to object, when Mallory decided she would not hear his complaining and started spraying Magnus ruthlessly with the silly string.

"Hey!" Magnus complained.

"Get up then," Alex said with a grin.

"Gods, fine," Magnus sighed, falling out of bed and dragging himself, quite literally, to the bathroom while Alex bit back her laughter.

Nearly half an hour later, since Magnus was incredibly slow, the group was finally on their way to the park.

"Why are we even going to the park?" Magnus asked.

"So I can throw shit at you," Alex responded, pulling her beanie further down over her ears.

"Just me?"

"Well, maybe at Halfborn too, since he's a bit of a dumbass as well."

"I call throwing stuff at Halfborn first," Mallory said. "I have dibs."

"Sounds good to me," Alex laughed.

"Woman, I am literally your boyfriend!" Halfborn complained.

"And you are also literally a stupid idiot." Mallory stuck her tongue out at Halfborn, taking it as she won the argument, which no one objected to. Especially since Mallory is incredibly good at knife throwing.

"Anyway, we're having a snowball fight," TJ explained to Magnus, who, very likely sleep deprived, looked very confused. The latter nodded, but didn't say anything. It remained that way for most of the walk to the park, Mallory and Halfborn arguing over useless things while TJ watched them, laughing occaionally. Alex wasn't far behind, but when she noticed Magnus lagging behind everyone, she dropped back to walk with him.

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