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Beyoncé | February 14
Manhattan , New York

Ever since Ms. Maraj and I had that conversation, we hadn't been speaking or fucking. I was okay with that until I got horny. Then I had to rub one out when she could obviously just do it for me. I wouldn't lie I missed the pussy and the shit we did but I didn't want that drama and I was focusing on getting my ass into college. The only thing I needed was for her to write me a referral. That would guarantee me getting into Howard.

Other than that and the fact that Seven comes home today, I'm good. When she called me and told me she was on her way back to New York, I was with Diamonté and she got mad. She needs to get over that stupid ass feud her and Di have going on. I genuinely thought that shit was over.

I was at the airport now waiting for her to get off of this plane. When she called me before she got on the plane, she was so happy. I didn't think she would be but she said she had an amazing time with her dad. She said they were rekindling their relationship. It was taking everything in me not to tell her that he's not her actual dad. But again, not my problem.

When she got off of the plane and she saw me, she ran to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too baby. You look excited. How'd it go with your dad?" I asked her.

"We're gonna be fine. He ain't shit. He be acting like I'm the only one that can text or call a nigga but I talked to him about it so we should be alright."

As we walked to the car, I was tempted to ask her why the fuck she lied to me about being a virgin. I wanted to ask her why she told me she was saving herself for marriage. Because there was no need for her to lie about that. If she already fucked somebody, she could've just said that. I don't understand the need for her to lie.

"What's on your mind baby?" She asked me, I opened the passenger door for her and she got in. I leaned in, kissing her cheek.

"Nothing, I'm good." I got in the driver's side and started my drive to her house. It would be a minute before we got there.

"Obviously there's something on your mind Beyoncé, don't start that lying shit."

I chuckled dryly. Ironic as fuck that she wanted to try to get on me about lying when she's the one lying.

"You talking to me about lying Seven?"

"What did I lie about? Don't start this shit."

"You a virgin Seven?"

"Yes. I already told you that."

"And you talking to me about lying right now? You're lying right now."

"Beyoncé where is this coming from, I told you I'm a virgin from the beginning. Why are you questioning me?"

"Because what do you have to lie for Seven? If you didn't wanna have sex with me specifically you could've just said that and I would've understood but for you to have to lie about that, that's fucked up."

"I told you I'm not lying!"

"Yes you are."

I was 100% sure that she was lying through her fucking teeth right now. It was pissing me off that I knew she was lying and she was still lying like hell.

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