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Beyoncé | August 21st
Washington D.C.

"I don't know, it's something about you." I traced my fingers down Onika's naked body. We'd just got done having sex, again, and it was like something was happening to me. I felt the same way I felt before I came here. It was a weird feeling and I only felt it when I was with her.

Stupid shit.

"What are you talking about Beyoncé?" She whispered, she snuggled her face in my neck, trying to get back to sleep. I wrapped both arms around her waist, turning my body so that she was now on top.

She sat up straddling me, she placed her hands on my stomach. "What?"

"You heard what I said?"

"Yes, like I said though, what are you talking about?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Shit is confusing as fuck. I wanna stay away from you but it's like whenever you call, here I come."

"It's called an addiction sweetie."

"You can't be addicted to a person."

"How the fuck did you get into Howard again?"

We both laughed but I was serious. You can't be addicted to a person, can you? No. It don't even sound right. Being addicted to a person, it just sounded to me like I was infatuated with her. That part was true.

"Do you think you're addicted to me Beyoncé?" There was sweetness in her eyes now, it confused the shit out of me. She told me she wanted to make my life hell but this is not hell.

"No. You can't be addicted to a person."

"I think you know that this is a situation that isn't normal. So, disregarding that."

"I sort of feel like I am, just a bit."

I understood strict parents more than anyone, my mom is as strict as it gets but Amani's were ridiculous. They were here for a weekend and they hadn't left her side once. Due to that, I'd seen a completely different side of Amani. A side, I knew, she didn't want anybody else to see.

She wore different clothes, she spoke differently, she even took her piercings out. Good Lord, what had these parents of hers done to her? I wondered if they accepted the fact that she was bisexual, probably not. They probably just brushed it off. It's not my place to judge though.

"Beyoncé, that's your name?" Mrs. Khan asked me. I looked up from my plate to look at her.

"Yes ma'am."

I didn't know why they were forcing her to make me meet them. It wasn't like I was her girl or something, I guess this was just another overbearing tactic of theirs. Hearing shit like this just made me not like them.

"What is it that you major in Beyoncé?" Mr. Khan said my name mockingly. I wanted to get up and show the nigga exactly what I could be majoring in; he had me fucked up talking to me like that.


"Just like our daughter." He held his hands over his heart, making my eyebrows furrow immediately.

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