Allie used to be a church preacher with over 20 years of faith in the Lord who traveled far and wide delivering sermons. But over time, she lost her sense of the Lord's guidance and her sermons were lacking new light. She kept sinning and confessing, and couldn't keep the Lord's teachings—this really frustrated her. Reading the Bible verse "[H]oliness, without which no man shall see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14) left her concerned that since she was living in sin and hadn't achieved holiness, she wouldn't be able to get into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord came. And so, she started working even harder on reading the Bible and fasting and praying, but all to no avail. By chance, one day Allie comes upon a website where she reads Almighty God's words. She's immediately hooked and her parched spirit is watered. Through seeking and investigation, she finally learns the root cause of why she is living in sin that she can't extricate herself from, and she finds the path to be cleansed of her corruption.
Gospel Testimonies
NouvellesThe Gospel Testimonies page contains a collection of gospel videos and gospel testimonies of Christians' experiences of Almighty God's judgment work in the last days, and of being saved by God, allowing you to understand God's judgment and salvation.