Chapter 16

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Lisa tilted her face up, allowing the warm sun to caress her pale skin. Her eyes fluttered, her grin widened, she was home. Looking forward, hand gripping onto her suit case, her doe eyes wandered around, scanning faces and searching for familiarity. It didn't take too long, because a few feet away from her and Jennie stood her parents smiling a smile that matched her own.

"Mom! Dad!" Lisa shouted, running maybe even stumbling through the crowded airport. She didn't care, she was finally home. Jennie was right behind her, giggling lightly but also a tad breathlessly. Lisa did have longer legs than her so it took a few moments for Jennie to catch up.

Lisa's mother laughed as the model embraced her tightly, eyes closed and lips quivering. Her father stood beside them and wrapped his arms securely around the both. The girls laughed as he practically picked them up for a second before putting them back to their feet and ruffling Lisa's hair.

"I missed you guys," Lisa whimpered out, placing a kiss on both of her parent's cheeks. Her mother smiled and then glanced over Lisa's shoulder,

"Who's this Pranpriya?" She asked, wiping her single tear away and smiling kindly. Lisa pulled away and turned around, meeting a timid and, yet, a tender smile. Jennie had her hands intertwined in front of her as she rocked back and forth from her heel to her toe, something she often did when she was nervous.

Lisa beamed, "This is Jennie, my neighbor and closest friend." Lisa walked over to Jennie's side and placed her hand on Jennie's lower back. "Jennie, these are my parents." She gently pushed Jennie forward towards her parents. Her mother took a quick glance at Lisa's direction before turning her attention towards the pretty brunette. She reached forward and held onto Jennie's hands,

"It's truly lovely to meet you, Jennie." The sight warmed Lisa's heart. It felt as if she was introducing her girlfriend to her parents for the very first time, but because of that said feeling, she was instantly reminded about reality. Maybe in another life, she supposed.

The mother then gasped, "Have you girls eaten yet?" She asked. Lisa laughed and shook her head,

"Not yet, we did just arrive mom," she stated, motioning towards their surroundings. Her dad laughed and draped his arm around his wife's shoulders,

"Well then, let's go home and cook you both a delicious dinner. You girls must be exhausted from the trip." Lisa released an uneasy breath and forced out a chuckle,

"It wasn't too bad," she said. Oh, the lies. The flight was an emotional roller coaster.

The first hour, Jennie barely spoke a word. She was burning in rage whenever flight attendant Soojin walked by or even spoke to Lisa. But then later in the flight, Lisa was able to calm the girl down by buying her a glass of wine and offering more cookies. And before she knew it, Jennie's head was on her shoulder. Asleep, Jennie held onto Lisa's arms tightly, snuggling her face closer to her arm and goodness, Lisa's heart practically fainted.

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad. I think I was asleep most of the flight anyways," Jennie said, walking along side Lisa and grinning up at her, "How's your shoulder by the way? I'm sorry for knocking out on your shoulder so suddenly during the movie. I didn't mean to. It 's just that you were wearing a soft hoodie and it looked comfy and my eyes were closing and--." Lisa laughed and shook her head,

"Its fine. Don't worry about it, Jen. I didn't mind at all," she reassured. Jennie's eyes were soft and light when she stared at Lisa. The feeling was warm and fluffy in Lisa's chest. Something she always felt with just a simple glance. Jennie's eyes were definitely distracting her from the stiff ache in her neck and shoulder. "Promise."

Jennie released a breath of relief, "Good, and if anything, I can always give you massage," she casually offered, looking forward and happily following Lisa's parents to the car. Lisa chuckled and shook her head,

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