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Double update!

Lisa couldn't believe, no. She wouldn't believe it. Jennie promised her she wouldn't leave without telling her. She promised. Jennie promised.

But then the note, her eyes studied, scanned, observed with tears slowly blurring her vision to the point she could no longer read the words clearly. In a way, however, the blurred words eased the pain because, what she can't see must not exist, right?

But, of course it did. She could still feel the small piece of paper pinched between her fingers, gripping as if life was depending on it. With her other hand, she placed it over the empty spot beside her, whimpering as her fingers pinched the tangled sheets. It was empty. Jennie was gone. She left her.

Lisa then brought her hand up, ghosting her fingers over her lips as they still tingled. Her lips ached in need to feel another pair. The only pair it ever needed to feel, taste and mold into perfection. The kiss they shared was more than perfect. More than Lisa could ever imagine. But now, it all just felt like a dream, and as of now, she was currently living a nightmare.

Groaning, Lisa tossed the note and slammed her face against the palms of her hand, crying softly, how could she let a good thing go. Her heart shook and cracked all at once, she could still smell Jennie's sweet scent. Smelled like cookies.



Pulling her hand away from her tear stained face, and with a perked brow, Lisa inhaled deeply. She wasn't mistaken, her house smelled like a fresh batch of cookies. Chocolate chip to be exact, smelled exactly like,


Lisa whispered, slowly removing the sheets off her legs and sliding off the bed. She shivered as her bare feet stood on her cold woodened floor. Her body trembled anxiously as she took a hold of her jacket, slowly putting it on and walking towards her door. And, the closer she got to the door, the more a muffled giggle was heard from outside, along with her mothers laugh.

Wiping her tears with the sleeve, Lisa took in a shaky breath before placing her trembling hand onto the door knob and twisting. As she opened the door, a whiff of freshly baked cookies entered her sense, warming her body and she had never felt so nervous in her life.

"Do you need help sweetie?" Her mother asked from the kitchen. Her feet stopped moving hearing a sweet, soft voice following right after,

"No thank you, I just about finished."

Jennie was still there. Baking in her kitchen. Jennie was here. She never left and Lisa couldn't help the single tear slip from her eye as she entered her own kitchen, staring at the back of Jennie's head.

"You're still here." Lisa spoke, voice dry and still clouded with pain but still had a sense of relief laced in there. Her mother looked over, eyes widening but a soft grin present as she scanned both girls. Jennie stiffened and slowly turned around, cheeks pink and a plate of cookies in her hand. Her eyes met Lisa's and Lisa took in a sharp breath.

Jennie was staring at her openly, affectionally and lovingly. Jennie was finally someone Lisa could read and she hoped that her eyes weren't betraying her. Her mother giggled, and stood up from her chair,

"I'll leave you girls to it," She said, walking past Lisa, brushing her hands on her daughters arm and exiting. It was silent, but not awkward, or suffocating. The silence was an answer to their unspoken words. However, this time, they were tired of their unspoken words.

Jennie timidly looked down at her plate in her hands, swallowing harshly, "I made you cookies, just how you like them."

"The note." Lisa spoke quietly and just as softly as Jennie's eyes looked as they lifted back into hers, but it also had a hint of confusion.

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