Prologue: Cardigan

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I think I'm in love with James. It all started when he approached me in homeroom. It was a few months ago. We were seatmates. He usually is a shy guy. He share some funny or cute quotes and notes when it was homeroom time.

I thought I saw James at the bus stop. He wasn't there. I remember him when he always nervously smiles at me and then says 'Hey Betty'. His eyes showed me how genuine he was. How he only talks to me and told me he hates the crowds. His sweet disposition and wide-eyed gaze. Something that always felt at home in my heart. I walked inside the school corridors. It was my favorite class followed by breaks and lunchtime: Homeroom. It's where I get to hang out with James most of the time. We have been together for about 3 months now.

I entered the room the teacher was not yet around. Turned on the lights myself, and I was early. I attended class at always 7:30 am. Inez came in gossiping with her friends. They were laughing. I just don't know why they always spread rumors.

James wasn't around yet. His vacant chair and desk made me hope he won't be late. Inez walked closer to me. She approached me on her cell phone.

"Hey, Betty. Can I talk to you about James?"

She had a concerned look on her face. Why does she want to talk about James anyway? I never believed the things she says. Mostly it consists of gossip that ruined others' reputations. 

"I actually saw James fighting with Dylan."
I looked at her with disbelief. I believed James would not harm Dylan. She then showed her phone. But it was a voice recording. It didn't sound like James at all.

"I don't believe you, Inez."

That's all I have said to her. She left disappointed that I didn't believe her. After all, Dylan and I are best friends. He wouldn't harm any of my friends. She always wants to ruin James' reputation since he rejected her.

7:40 am was when James came inside homeroom class. The time when the teacher was almost going to class at 8:00 am. His messy brown curly hair, and his green eyes, had always made me happy. He was carrying a red-wrapped gift box. A gift that he gave to me later after he sat beside me.

"How sweet of you James." I then took out my notebook and pen so I could get ready for homeroom. He had given me a photo album with polaroid pictures that contained our pictures from our trip together had all the other sweet moments together. Along with a white cardigan that was my favorite gift from him.

"Did you fight with Dylan?" He then smiled and assured me that he would never do that. He then told me that Dylan and he are friends. I began to think there was no problem at all between them.

"I believe you, Inez told me earlier that you fought with my best friend. That cannot be true of course, she had a fake recording that she made on her phone."

He then kissed my cheek. He whispered his promise that he would never hurt anyone that I am friends with or try to even hurt me.

The teacher came and we began our attendance checking. Our teacher had round glasses, he wore a vest and he dressed like a smart person. When he was done we were told to give two classmates an apology or thank you letter.

James and I began writing to each other thank you letters. I wrote my letters in a notebook. Wearing two pages after I was done. I even wrote a letter to Inez to stop gossiping about rumors. I gave the two letters to whom I wrote.

The homeroom class ended.
So we went to the next class.
The rest of the day was great.
I spent time with James after school.
And we both enjoyed listening to Taylor Swift's music on my phone, enjoyed sharing popcorn, and watching movies we picked at the cinema.

James began to talk to me about how he plans to be my dance partner at prom tomorrow. He was smiling at me. It was all like a dream that day. It was peaceful, full of sweet memories.

Authors note:

This is based on Taylor Swift's songs of folklore not just about Betty. It was before the narrative of the song happened. I am making it into a slower pace that is not yet in the song... This is the chapter where I just introduced Betty first. Cardigan is a perfect song for it. James wasn't talking much here since I will include it in a different chapter. I picked a cardigan for the first chapter since it suits it better. The most relevant chapter will be separated chapters of Betty and James' Point of view of the song Betty.

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