Chapter 4: Betty ( Betty's point of view)

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James was nowhere to be found after he said he would be at the bleachers. I didn't see him when he left me so soon. The bleachers were a bit far to see. I know he hated the crowds so I don't bother to look for him during the Prom dance. Dylan Blake, my best friend asked me to dance with him. I guess James would mind if I dance with him.

Dylan and I danced the whole night. We even talked about the song that played, and how beautiful the gym was decorated. Then when the prom is nearing its end we both became prom queen and king.

The next morning Inez had texted me. She told me she saw James and August together. She even followed both of them to August's house.

The evidence was that she took a picture of them sleeping together. Both of them were only covered by a blanket, twisted in bedsheets. That was when it all hit hard at me.

James had cheated on me.

Why would he betray me?

I began crying and at first was hesitant to call. I called on his landline, and his dad answered me. "Hello Mr. Reynolds, can I talk to your son? This is Betty speaking." I sighed when he told me that his son wasn't home and he was pretty mad about it.

I then waited in silence. I was heartbroken. My eyes began to fill up with tears. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me.

I then thought that it was the worst thing that I fall in love with James.

I will switch my homeroom soon. I don't want to see his face again.

James called soon after he arrived at his house.
"Hello...What have you done? Is Inez telling me the truth?"
I asked him on the phone.

"Betty...I'm so sorry."

Was all he answered.

I started to burst into tears. Crying my heart out before I bring out the courage to break up with him.
"Let's break up...I never want to see your face again."

That was the last time James talked to me on the phone.

A few days later I just saw him passed by my house. I felt like I couldn't breathe right now. Part of me still wants him.

The next day I attended a different homeroom class.
I was classmates with Ashton and August. I did not hate August for stealing my boyfriend. It was James' fault, not hers.

I wish that James did not lie to me.

But he did.

Now I will host my first party next week.

That party is where everyone would be invited in. I didn't mind if James would come.

I sent out invitations on the next day of school.

Now I wish James go straight to hell.

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