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Alexis's POV

I ran back upstairs to my room and went to have a better look around. As I walked in I went to examine every thing in the closet and see all the posters on the walls. In the closet there's a whole bunch of designer clothes. I walked over to a makeup table and found hairbrushes and combs and all kinds of makeup. I just found a nightstand and I want To see what's in it.

I pull out a drawer and pull a cellphone out and turn it on only to find Harry's cell number on it. Now I'm super curious so I reach in to the drawer and pull out a whole bunch of condoms. To tell the honest truth I'll probably use them. I look up and right in front of me is a huge poster of Harry! Then I see one of all the boys too! This is amazing!

I decide to check out my little brothers room I walk down the hall and open his door.

"knock knock"

I say as I step inside.

"I'm here to look around."


said Sam.

I start to look around and find lots of video games.

I ask him

"Sam I know this probably sounds weird but can I please look in your closet?"

"Ok fashion freak but you have to leave after ok?"


I reply as I open his closet. I find a whole bunch of guy clothes that would look super nice on Sam. I think I have to check out moms room.

I run downstairs to my mom.

"Can I please go and see what you got in your room mom?"

I ask.


she says and walks away to finish making dinner. I run upstairs and go to the end of the hall.

I open the door to my mums room. I walk in and see a beautiful canopy bed. I run to the closet and find a whole bunch of office clothes, cocktail dresses, and date outfits. Everything is so perfect. I go back downstairs.

I sit down and eat dinner. After dinner everyone immediately goes up to there rooms and falls asleep.






sorry about the late chapters. I am really hopping that people will vote for my chapters but anyways thanks for reading

Cute as a button each and every one of you

- Carrie

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