Chapter 2 | Dead Parents (Re-Written)

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(Narrator's P.O.V.)

     Night time in the downtown street of Manhattan was unusually quiet. Only a few cars could be seen rushing or just slow paced. One of those cars was Scarletta's parents, Bianca and Cyprian.

"Weird..." Cyprian thought as he turned the car to the left. "It should be traffic by now..but it's literally empty."

     He pushed that thought aside and continued driving. Meanwhile, Bianca was humming to the tune of the music playing in the car while her mind was in a daze, her eyelids half closed. She still daydreams even as an adult. The demigod legacy drums her fingers on her lap.

"Dark as midnight, six pack coors light. You don't look the same.."

     Cyprian turns the steering wheel, making the car turn to its right into a dimly lit alley that had a very skinny looking road ahead.

"Past my bedtime, blue and red lights come take you away.."

"Hate to see you like a Monster so I run and hide."

"Hate to ask but what's it like to leave me behind?"

''Cy...where are we?'' asked Bianca cautiously.

''Uhm I think we went the wrong direction...let me just search th-''

      Bianca suddenly screamed, interrupting her husband. ''CY! THERE'S A MANIA IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!''



''N-O yoU-o cAn-CaN't-t sT- Dna-''



     As the lyrics warbled, Cyprian could feel a wave of heat and nausea take over his body. He tried opening his eyes but it was blurry. His legs wobbled as he attempted to stand.

''Bianca,'' thought Cyprian. ''Where's Bianca.'' 

      He looked around the blurred figures of flames, trying to spot his dirty-blond haired wife. As his eyesight became clearer, he saw Bianca. Her hair was caked in ash and soot, clothes tattered, and laid down sideways back facing Cyprian. She looked...


     Cyprian ran towards his motionless wife. He felt tears swelling up in his eyes as he hoped for Bianca to wake up. He can't be a single father. What will Scarletta and Laurence think? 
      He kneeled in front of Bianca's body, hands shaking as he turned her over. 

      His breath hitched. 

      Her chest wasn't moving.

      Cyprian checked her pulse.

      It wasn't beating.

''No, no, no, no Bianca! Wake up!'' cried Cyprian. ''Gods..please Bianca!''

     As Cyprian continued to (N/A: unsuccessfully) shake Bianca awake, a dark figure in the shadows lurks behind him. 

''Well look what we have here~',' said an unknown voice. ''Your name's Cyprian, isn't it?''

''You...,'' said Cyprian softly. ''YOU KILLED MY WIFE!''

''Ah well, I just made her die early. All mortals die inevitably.''

''Who are you? Your the mania Bianca saw wasn't it?'' sneered Cyprian as he turned around and stood up to face the figure.

''We might as well be family, Cy!''  the figure said with fake cheerfulness. ''Don't tell me your father never told you!''

Cyprian's fury flattered. Are they really related? But...he doesn't have relatives from his father's side. They're all dead. ''I said, who. are. you.''

     The figure was silent for a while till they stepped out of the shadows. A purple aura surround them. Only it wasn't a them, it was a she. 

''The names Elisebeth Carols.''

       ''Time of death: 08:11 pm,'' announced the doctor. The nurses draped a large white cloth over Cyprian as his two kids and father-in-law stood beside his body. Bianca had died two days before. That was it. Laurence and Scarletta are now orphans, they had no one but each other and their grandparents to take care of them. Scarletta tightly clasped her brothers hands with her's. Hot wet tears fell down her face as the nurses rolled Cyprian's body out of his hospital room, the metal wheels clicking and screeching.


''Hm?'' Laurence looked up from the marble floor and saw his grandfather with a soft-sad expression on his face. He put his hand on Laurence's shoulder.

''I think you and Letta should wait outside for the moment.''

''But grandpapa-''

''Now please Laurence.'' sighed Nico di Angelo softly. ''Wait for Rachel and Octavian.''

       Laurence just stared at him. ''Lets go, Letta.'' said Laurence as he tugged Scarletta's hand. She nodded and wiped her eyes with her free hand. 

      Laurence, who's hand is still holding Scarletta's, led his sister outside of the room into the eerie silence of the hospital corridor.

''Creepy...'' he thought. Scarletta plopped down on to an empty metal chair beside the door while her brother stood beside her, arms crossed, leaning against the wall. 

      It was quiet for a while till Scarletta broke the silence. ''What's going to happen to us, Lance?'' she said quietly, tilting her head back to face Laurence. Her eyes were puffy and red and her nose was a faint rosey colour. When they were younger, their mother Bianca used to tease Scarletta about her having Rudolph's nose whenever she was crying but now? Laurence wouldn't dare say anything about those memories. They were too painful to remember. 

Laurence sighed gently and hugged his sister, squeezing her. "I don't know.."


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