Vampire Roomate

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JiLix Smut

Jisung 's POV

I walked into my new dorm room. It looked as if my roommate wasn't here yet. Everything was so dark. I was about to open the curtain when I felt a cold hand on mine. I gasped and turned to see a pale male which had dark brown eyes with a tint of red in them.

"Don't open the curtain." He said in a dark tone. I just tilted my head in confusion but then nodded and let go of the curtain as he let go of me. "Who are you? Why are you here? What's your name?"

It was as if the words were stuck in my throat. I couldn't speak. He looked so intimidating yet hot at the same time.

"I'm not going to ask you this again, who are you? Why are you here and wha..."

"My name is Han Jisung, and this is my new dorm room. I have a key!" I blurted out dangling the keys in front of his face.

"Oh... I'm sorry for my bad first impression. I'm Lee Felix. You must be my new roommate." He said holding out his hand. I hesitantly took the cold hand in mine and shook it.

That was the beginning of a new friendship.

*Time Skip*

Felix and I have been friends ever since we became roommates. Although he scared me sometimes, he was fun to be around. Whenever it seems like he's not around, he'd always pop up behind me or even give me jump scares. But whenever I do it to him, or even try to do it to him, my plans would always backfire on me.

"Jiiiisssuunnngggie..." I heard a whisper of my name. I turned around but nobody was there. I then turned back around and saw Felix standing in front of me. I dropped the glass bowl I had in my hands and fell on the ground.

"OH GOD FELIX DON'T DO THAT!" I screamed. He then laughed his ass off. I sighed and picked up the glass pieces of the bowl but hissed in pain as I cut my finger. "Fuck..."

Felix then stopped laughing and took a step back. I looked at him and he looked away.

"Felix, what's wrong?" I asked as I walked to him. He then pushed me to the side but he pushed me so hard that I flew across the room.

Felix's POV

I quickly ran into the closet and covered my mouth as my fangs appeared.

"God damnit Jisung..." I whispered under my breath.

"Felix?! Are you hiding in the closet?" Jisung asked as he stepped closer to my hiding spot. The scent of blood slowly intoxicating the room. My stomach growled out of hunger. I quickly covered it to silence it's begging for the taste of blood. But with Jisung and his bleeding finger right outside of the closet made it impossible.

"Go away Jisung." I said hoping for him to hear my beggs.

"What's going on? Why are you acting so weird?" He then opened the doors and gasped as he saw me. My eyes were probably a deep red. I looked away trying to avoid eye contact but he cupped my face and made me look at him. "Felix... Why are your eyes like that? Please tell me the truth."

"You aren't scared?"

"No... I'm worried. Don't keep such a big secret from me." He said. A long soft sigh left my lips before I decided to tell him.

"Most people thinks that my kind are killers. I'm not a human Jisung. Have you ever wondered why my hands are always so cold? How I move so fast to jump scare you? How I can always appear out of nowhere? Well I'm a monster. A blood sucker. I'm a vampire. And the reason why I told you to stay away from me when you cut your finger is because I haven't had the taste of blood in almost two months." I explained while avoiding eye contact. He just gasped and held his wrist in front of my mouth. "Jisung, what are y..."

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