The Terrible Twins pt.1

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JiLix x Reader smut

Y/n's POV

Felix and Jisung...

The names of the two people I really hate!

Ever since my mom got remarried, my life has been a living hell because of my new stepbrothers. They might seem innocent and act all kind and whatever, but deep down they truly are...

The terrible twins..!

This is actually a recent thing that happened. They never used to annoy me when we were younger. They never even payed attention to me when we were younger. Not that I was complaining. But soon as time grew, they have been annoying me and sneaking into my room a lot.

Whenever our parents goes out to work or something like that, they're always asking me weird questions that I can't seem to answer. They even made up a secret language which I can't understand.

"Y/n! Y/n honey..." My mom called out for me as she walked into my room. I sat up on my bed looking at her with raised eyebrows. She then smiled and continued. "Darling, your father and I are going out. Please take care of the house and your brothers while we're gone."

"MOM! No please! You can't leave me here alone!" I complained.

"Oh you're not alone sweetie! You have Felix and Jisung to keep you company."

"Mom.. That's the problem. I don't want to be alone with THEM!" I said emphasizing the 'them'.


"No mom, you don't understand. They're always bullying me.. And I find it extremely annoying. Even though they're older than me, they act so immature and childish!"

"I know, I know. You told me already about your situation. But I honestly just think that they want your attention. That's all." My mom said while caressing my head.

"But why look for attention by annoying me? Do they want my negative attention?" I asked. My mom was about to say something before my stepfather came into the room.

"Is everything alright? We are running late." He said leaning against the doorframe.

"We'll talk about this later. If there's any problems, just call me. Okay?" My mom said to me with a smile. I layed down on my bed and gave a plain nod. "Goodbye sweetie."

And just like that she left. After they were gone, I heard giggles from outside my room. The door then opened revealing my worst nightmare.

"Y/n-ah... Are you awake?" Jisung as peaking through the door with a small smile on his face. I just scoffed and glared at him. "Ooooh! Silent treatment! I love this game! FELIX! Y/N'S GIVING US THE SILENT TREATMENT!!"

"YAY! MY FAVOURITE GAME!" Felix shouted then both of them ran into my room and jumped on my bed looking at me.

"Okay, I'll go first!" Jisung said lifting up his hand. "Say nothing, if... I can jump on your bed."


"YAY!" Jisung then stood on my bed and started jumping up and down. "YEAH!"

"OKAY OKAY! MY TURN! Say nothing if... You want to see me dab." Felix said. He then stood infront of me and dabbed. He did that like repeatedly until he was dizzy. "DAB BOI! DAB! UH! YEAH! WHOO!"

"Y/n! Y/n! Say nothing if you want Felix to make a mosquito sound!" Jisung said standing right infront of me. I tried to hide my smile from these idiots. "GREAT! FELIX! GO!"

Felix then got so close to me and started making mosquito sounds. It sounded so weird! I then turned around so that my back was facing them.


Author's POV / No one's POV

JiLix secret language

Felix: It's time to stop with the games. She's obviously getting annoyed.

Jisung: Since when does it bother you? Do you like her?

Felix: Of course I do. And you do too. You said it yourself. And if we keep acting like this she'll definitely hate us even more.

Jisung: Okay, fine. You do have a point there.

Y/n's POV

I heard nothing from the two behind me. I turned around slightly and saw them nodding their heads and making gestures with their hands.

Probably their secret language...

Felix then looked at me and gave a smile fit for a meme.

"So Jisu..."

"Y/n! Still giving us the silent treatment, huh?" Jisung said cutting Felix off and licking his lips. Felix then looked at Jisung, as if asking him what he was doing. "Say nothing if..."

"Jisung, stop!" Felix warned. I didn't say anything. I wanted to see where this was going.

"I can't. She let us wait for so long. I'm tired of waiting. Aren't you? This is the perfect opportunity." Jisung said to Felix. Felix didn't say anything. He just stared at me with crossed arms. Jisung then smirked and continued. "Say nothing if you wanna have a little fun tonight."

I furrowed my eyebrows. I tried to figure out what he meant by that. They just chuckled and walked out of my room. I took this as an opportunity to take a shower and get my mind off of whatever just happened.

*Time Skip*

When I got out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a towel. I walked into my room and saw Felix and Jisung sitting on my bed.

"HOLY CRAP!" I yelped out as I hit my back against the door. "What the hell are you two doing in my room?"

"Is that any way to talk to the people who are just trying to have a little fun?"

[A/N: OOOOH! Cliff hanger!

Me: I'm so evil!
*Laughs evily*
Halalhhagahhajdgfskdjd! *Swallows bug*
*Cough cough*

Also me: I almost died! DX

Sorry... I tried so hard to laugh... But that darn bug! Damnit...

Kayso! Enough of my tragic death! Please vote, comment and share!

Saranghaeyo 🐿️]

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