Mr Jisung

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Jisung x MReader Vanilla Smut

Jisung's POV

All I could remember, was the trees. The wind. The sound of birds chirping. And the sound of the wind against my ear. That's when I heard it again..

"Awwooo!!" I stopped in my tracks and listened closely and sniffed the air. It was another wolf.

"AWWOOO!" I responded, hoping to see if he/she would appear infront of me. When nothing happened, I changed into my human form, hoping this unknown wolf would see me. But still as always nothing happened. I just gave up and walked back to my house.

It really sucks to be a wolf. There are a lot of omegas which tempt your desires. And if you dare to touch an alpha's omega, you'll be dead meat.

I'm an alpha. And I don't have a mate. It's not that I need one. It's just that, the smell of every omega can drive me crazy. But here's another thing, I've been smelling one omega for a very long time and it's way stronger than the others. And the worst part of all is that, I don't even know how this wolf looks.

As I entered my house there was a knock on the door. I peeked through the peephole but saw nobody there. I opened the door and still nobody could be seen except a little red piece of paper on the ground. I picked it up and looked around but saw nobody there.

I looked at the paper and opened it. There was writing inside it.

'I'm sorry but I don't know your name. You obviously don't know my name.

Please don't find this weird but I've been watching over you for a long time. Whenever you're close to me, I get this smell. I can't explain it but it's stronger than any other alpha I've smelled before.

So I was wondering if you wanted to have a run in the woods with me, tonight. Just us, you know. Please. I'd really appreciate it.

Unknown omega.'

Unknown omega..? How do I know that this isn't a prank? Maybe they sent this to the wrong person. But I wouldn't know if I don't find out.

*Time Skip*

I waited until it was sunset. I left my house after locking it. When I got to the woods, I took off my clothes and changed into my wolf form. I carried my clothes in my mouth and ran through the woods. I heard it again. The howling.

"Awwooo!!" I looked around to identify where the sound was coming from. And that's when I saw it, a black wolf with pure blue eyes. It then stopped and I stopped too. It was walking towards me.

That strange addicting smell returned to the air. It got stronger as the omega got closer. I took a step back and let my clothes drop from my mouth before turning into my human form.

"Who are you?" I asked. The wolf then changed to a human. What I saw was a short male. He had long, black hair that covered his eyes.

"Ahh... W-Well.. My name is Y/n... What's your name?" He asked after introducing himself with a bow.

"My name is Jisung." I said. He then looked at me and smiled slightly. He sniffed the air while tilting his head up a bit.

"It's you... I'm so happy that you came Mr Jisung. I really need to talk to you. But I need you to come to my house." He said looking down.

"Okay... Sure."

*Time Skip*

The walk to his house was quiet. He was walking really far from me. His head was always down. Whenever I caught him looking at me, he would always look down as if nothing happened. It was really cute actually. Almost makes me want to pounce on him and make him mine. His mate must be really lucky. But he doesn't smell like he's marked.

"Okay... We're here. This is my house Mr Jisung." Y/n said shyly pointing to a big, reddish house. It wasn't that big but it was bigger than mine. The house looked beautiful from the inside. "Please sit down. Would you like something to eat..? Or drink?"

"No.. It's okay. Why'd you call me here?" I asked sitting down. He sat down on a separate couch from me with his head still down.

"Well... I don't really know how to explain it but... Firstly, do you have a mate, Mr Jisung?" I widened my eyes at his first question.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's just... I really need to know. It's okay if you have one already." He said a bit hesitantly.

"No, I don't." I finally answered. He looked up a bit and nodded shyly.

"Oh... Okay. Because, I was wondering if.. I don't know. I-If you wanted to... I can't explain. I was wondering if you would want to stay here. Just until..." Y/n cut himself off. I moved a bit closer to him wanting to hear what he had to say. He took a deep breath before continuing again. "I know that this might sound weird, Mr Jisung, but I want you to help me with my upcoming heat. You don't have to if you don't want to."

I widened my eyes at his offer.

Is he actually suggesting that I am his mate? Maybe I am. He is really cute though... Maybe I should agree? Just to try it out and see how it goes... Maybe..

"Okay... Sure." I agreed. He shot his head up. Even though I couldn't see his eyes, due to his hair, I could tell that his eyes widened in excitement.

"Okay... Great. So... Are you going to move in tomorrow?" He asked shyly again.

"Yes. Of course."

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