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warnings: smut, overstimulation, dom!biden, third person POV, short

by zaddyshrekbaby69  (author no.1)


trump winced, pelvic muscles beginning to cramp. his movements were barely conscious. the moisture from his mouth was long gone, breath caressing the chapped skin on his lips. little cuts cracked open, as he hastily gasped in need of another breath. the corners of his eyes had dried out, only leaving a sand-like substance on his skin.

trump's legs twitched uncontrollably, his feet tucked under his sore thighs. he parted his lips, wetting the coarse skin with his tough tongue. his chest pushed up and spine curved. his nipples were swollen from the rough foreplay, hypersensitive in the cool air.

biden roughly pushed into trump, earning a groan from both of them. trump's whimpers were inaudible, vocal chords vocally abused.

he rode biden, for what seemed like an eternity. trump's hand rested uncomfortably on biden's knees. he toppled on the older man, unable to go on anymore. his fingers swept through biden's hair, hands resting on trump's stomach.

biden's voice deepened, much deeper and rougher than usual. he sang praises about trump's body. his words were slurred, whispering profanities into his ear.

trump's body had already reached its limits. despite his attempts, his body refused to move. his back pressed against biden's torso. one of biden's hands rested right above his thigh, the other intertwined with his lovers hot hands.

biden pushed into trump again, but to no avail. he left trump whimpering, pain slowly merging into pleasure, tugging on biden's hair.

trump was fucked out, collapsed on top of biden. his whole body was oversensitive, pulsating.

trump felt biden once again flexing under him, body getting sweaty, as he was adamant to reach his climax once again. goosebumps covering his tan skin. biden managed to deliver a thrust, trump tried to escape it, though he loved the sensation.

trump had lost all sensation in his legs, feeling the scrape of biden's teeth against his shoulder.

he shakily inhaled, hands entangled in the soiled sheets. he moved his lips, inaudible sounds escaped, feeling the little cuts on his lips split open.biden lays a gentle kiss on trump's shoulder, followed by a bite.

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