🦢The girl who endured his flames 🔥

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          Authors Note 

                                                                   SO...before you go like wtf to this chapter, it's NOT Rengoku x Mitsuri, this chapter shows both ships, first is obamitsu then Rengoku's

 Kyojuro's P.O.V

12 Years ago

It was nearing the end of June when my father went on a mission to slay a demon, I was home training with my sword with Obanai (A/N: Its because Kyojuro's dad saved him in the manga) My mother and little brother were making food for everyone.

"You're getting better with the sword Obanai!"


"Why are you so down? It's such a beautiful day!"

"Not everyone can enjoy a sunny day like you Kyojuro..."

"Well then lets go to the village!''


"I will go and get Senjuro!"

"I will go wait at the front then.."


"Hey Senjuro, want to come to the village with us?"

"Uhmm...I dont know..."

"Aww why not, it will be fun!"

"W.well I guess I will go.."

"Great come on!"

"Hey, you boys better behave!"

"We will mom, don't worry!"

"Mhm I don't believe that.." She mutters to herself

In the village

The village was normally always very lively, but today it was quiet and everyone seemed to be acting very odd. 

"What is going on here?" I ask one of the workers at a shop that we often go to.

"I hear that someone spotted a murder, so please Rengoku, Iguro, watch where you are going."

"Will do, thank you for the warning!"

"Um, Onii-Chan, don't you think we should go back home?"

"No, we are perfectly fine! Besides if anything does happen your Onii-Chan will take care of it and protect both of you!" (A/N: Wow, that almost made me cry, Manga readers would know why..😭)

"How touching.. 😑" Iguro says

"Well then, lets go do something!" I say dragging them both with me

Don't really know what to have them do soooo 

𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕋𝕒𝕝𝕖(Muichiro x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now