3 💙

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He paused exhaling Deeply    "shit Okay. *breaths* .....................
IgotSomethingstuckInMyAss. Help!!!."


They Both Paused. Jungkook Felt like bolting out of the room  just wanting to hide under His Fluffy Blanket, While Taehyung felt like laughing. Yeah He was Trying so Hard Not to laugh. like what the fuck that's just hilarious.

While trying to stop Himself from laughing He cleared His throat And That Made Jungkook Fixed His Posture.

"Okay, I heard That Clearly, but can You Elaborate how did That Happen Kook?, We are Friends now, so I Think It doesn't Matter, I swear I won't Jugde you and I'll try not to laugh Too." He said With a Comforting Smile that Calms the younger nerves down.

"I know This Sounds Funny Tae But, Don't laugh Okay. This Is too Much For Me, Goshhhhh!" He said with a exasperating sigh shying away from taehyung.

They Both chuckled at the insane situation as Jungkook gather Himself more, trying to find where did His confidence go.

"Okay.... Don't interrupt Me, and don't erver laugh or you can't get out of here alive." he tried His ever serious face but its just look so adorable to Taehyung so He just nod His head urging the younger to speak coz they wasted so many hours now.

He started speak slowly,  silence spread around the room and they can feel the atmosphere changing.

Breath in breath out kook, You got this. Inhale....exhale... "Hhm. It was holiday and I got nothing to do so...I-i tried y-you know.. Auhmm.. T-touc— No!.. auhm, I playe- shit no...Okay fine. I was horny and I want To feel good so I watched porn.. Fuck, I wasn't supposed to tell you that." He keep On stuttering and He was blabbering so Taehyung cut Him off.


He started off, getting Jungkook's Attention, as He Hold His Hand.

"Just Calm Down, and tell Just Straight to The point, so You won't be worried. Okay... Just Talk Slowly..." They looked at each other's eyes, as Jungkook Talk again.

"I was playing With Myself, grab some Toys, But yeah, i regretted buying it it was a cheap one so When I was Playing With it , it qas suddenly broken. The last part of the bead was stuck Inside me, and after that I'm...Here..."

Silince filled the room after His Speech. He was now clutching Taehyung's Hand. Needing some comfort as Taehyung was Brushing His Thumb against His Knuckles.

After a Few minute of the comforting Silence, Taehyung Spoke.

"Do You Feel Uncomfortable??, does It Hurt?." He ask as a Doctor.

"No... A-actually it was The Opposite." he blushed t His sentence. Taehyung cooed at His Cuteness as He ruffles His Hair.

"its Okay Koo, I understand. Now would You mind If You Go over There?" He ask pointing at The Bed 10ft away The table They are sitting.

It was a High Level Waist Bed where the patient took their check-ups. Taehyung holds Jungkook Up from his seat as they Made their way to the Bed, while Jungkook Is Blushing at How the doctor Called Him With a Cute nickname now Holding His Hand.

They both Stop at the foot of the Bed, Taehyung made The Younger sit on it While Holding Both His Hand to Calm Him as He started to talk.

"Ok, Jungkook. I need You on all fours." that sentence made Him squeak and Jump. Taehyung's Voice Is So Deep and He Felt like the Doctor is Demanding something, or maybe He was Just pure Horny.

               "right...uhmm with pants off Mr.Kim?..."  Because of the Nervousness and How Horny He felt now, He called Taehyung Mr.Kim and They both Gulp, at how sensual It sound.

Taehyung Just shrugged it away as he don't want to be hard Now or he will look like a Creep to younger. " *chuckles* of course How Can I Help You If You keep your pants On. Don't be Shy I won't Judge, Im Just doing My job okay. Now Let get This Over With so You can Continue your playtime." He spoke on a Gentle voice teasing Him at the end.

It his Job Jungkook just do it and don't mind his teasing He was just helping You.
He cleared His thought now" y-yeahh auhm.. *blushed* o-okay..."

Taehyung step back so Jungkook can have His space while Taking off his undergarments and Taehyung was not trying to drool at how the younger looks so sexy. fuck. He don't want to get hard.

Taahyung was not really that kind of man. He can go over a Year without fucking someone, and he can go over 2weeks without masturbating. His cock can't even got hard while watching One or three porn. But now he can't fucking Believe This. Just Seeing jungkook With His Milky thighs, soft skin and plump Ass, he can feel Himself Twitching at the sight. May the gods guide him. help he Thought.


After arranging His thoughts, he started to gather his needed materials leaving jungkook there figuring his Thoughts out.

He prepared Himself and His Things, He started walking back to where jungkook Is, carrying the looking like tray with his Things.....

When he stopped. There jungkook on his knees, ass Up on the air that made taehyung drool feeling something on his pants.

He shook his heads to keep those thoughts away... Probably to stop himself from fucking Jungkook.. Hmm. Maybe.

Again. He walked, placing the Tray beside the stand on the bed. Asking Jungkook If He feel okay, gaining a Nod from the Younger. As The doctor talked to his patient calming The other one while proceeding to His First Procedure.


(A/N: tadaa~ another boring Chapter. grrr bear with me Please It's part of the plot. Hehe)

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