8 💚

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It's Been a week since the Doctor asked Jungkook Out. Whole week of spending time and getting to know each other. A whole week of Taehyung taking jungkook out and surprising him at their dates.

Now, Jungkook was just lazily laying on His Bed while waiting for the clock to hit 4pm so he can Now go and spend Time With The doctor.

His Work was done and It ended on 12pm. The Doctor texted him This Morning If Its okay To Ask For A Leave for 3days from His Work and Hoseok Agreed.

He also tetxed his mother telling Her that He misses Her, and He has someone special now that He wants His Mother to meet when The right Time Comes. His Mother said that As Long As He/She will take care of Him Then Its Okay. They both exchange their I Love You's as The younger was left with nothing To do.

He was done Packing Some Of His Clothes Because The Doctor asked Him Too. He said They're going to his House after the dinner so He excitedly packed His Things not considering it that maybe its was too fast to sleep at the elder house.

After staring at His Ceiling for some time he fell Asleep while thinking about the doctor.


"Hyung... Make sure that everything's done before we comeback okay? I'm entrusting my black card to you, and don't buy some kinky shit with my Card! It will ruin my reputation!.......'REALLY! YES! I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT HER!'........'ThankYou For Your Help Hyung!' .........'okayBye! Loveyou!'

He ended the call While Happily Smiling... Everything is going easy according to His Plan. He shook His Head while putting His Luggage at the trunk of His Car and driving off to his soon to be boyfriend's apartment.

Knocking on the door take some time. The younger probably fell asleep while waiting for Him. The door opened and Jungkook Was Standing There with all His glory looking Pretty as Ever while rubbing the sleepiness off. His face brightens seeing the doctor huggkng him and nuzzling His Head at The Doctor's Neck.

"Hyungie~ I miss You" the doctor hugged back mumbling I miss You feeling the younger warmth.

They pulled away from each other when they realized that they are on the hallway. The blushing one ran back inside to get His luggage walking down the hallways with locked hands.

The doctor put his Things on the trunk as they drive to the park where nearby restaurant is so They can Have Dinner in That Quiet street.


"Hyung seems like you've prepared for this huh." The younger teased Him.

"Of course. This is more special because Its You." He Flushed as they continue to Walk Around, Just enjoying each other's presence.

Standing in front of the wishing fountain both look at each others eyes, fishing some coins from their pockets, wishing for something before throwing the coin to the water with hope in their Eyes.

Not knowing both of them wished for the same Thing.

I want to live happily with him forever -TH
I want to live happily with him forever - JK

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