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Severeal Hours Later, Taehyung Woke Up First. The first thing He did was smile as He remembered what happened hours ago.

He tightened His Hold On the younger's Waist placing His Chin On His Head. The fluttering of His heart and The churning on His stomach Can't be stopped, He love This Feeling.

Waking up to someone while holding him this close is what he always dream of.

Now with this Kind of Feeling he can't let go and he will do everything on His will so the Younger can't get away With it, now and for the rest of their life.


After Minutes of Admiring the younger's cute, adorable and Pretty Face, He noticed the time. It was close to dinner and He Guessed the younger didn't eat anything since morning when he told Him What He did after waking up.

With the feeling of guiltiness of waking up the Younger he still did it otherwise. As a Doctor It's not healthy to sleep Without eating anything so he woke the younger up.

"Koo, Wake Up. Its dinner Time and You did not eat anything so we are going Out to Have a dinner okay?."  He spoke on a Gentle voice, slightly shaking the Younger and caressing His chubby cheeks

"Hhmm" He respond. Nuzzling his Head on the doctor's chest.

The doctor chuckled at His Cuteness as He can't stop Kissing His Pouty Lips. The younger replied immediately circling his On the Doctors neck.

He pulled away with a teasing smile, The younger sensing His cockiness opened His eyes and spoke "what?!" acting like He was mad but that only made the Doctor laughed as he looked Cute.

"Oh baby, I also Need to clean You Up You Know. Its not safe if You keep my Cum insid—"  "ohmygod Tae!! Shut up! I didn't know you're this vulgar!"

He shut the doctors mouth, stopping Him from Speaking. The older Licked his hand earning a shriek from him throwing the doctor a Dirty Glare. "You're disgusting!" 

He shouted again. The Doctor was laughing at the youngers disgusting Face as something came to his Mind. the younger shoot him a questioning Glare.

"Ohh shushh Koo, that's not what you said earlier. 'Hyuung~moreee~' " the younger blushed at His Antics as He covered His Face.

The doctor cooed at Him, He kissed the youngers neck muttering a series of 'sorry's' as the younger nods.

After a couple of minutes, the Doctor Sits up. Pulling the younger up with him. "Are you hurt? Feeling sore somewhere?" He asked worriedly. The younger smiled at His Sweetness. " Its hurt slightly down there, back and thighs hurts." He said cutely.

"Okay we'll take a shower, then I have a Pack sandwich in my Table after it you drink a Pain reliever." He said Pecking the youngers nodding Head.

He scoops the younger up walking to towards the shower room.


Minutes later moans Can be heard at the bathroom. The younger was pressed up agaist the wall while the doctor was kneeling behind Him. Fingering his ass, trying to clean his cum off. He can't take his Eyes off at the cum that was Dropping fron the youngers hole. After washing it away with the water and Cleaning It enough, He dive in the youngers ass, sucking and licking his Inside.

The younger is grinding his Cock on the cold wall moaning while The doctor Is Stroking His own, on a Fast pace. He pushed his Tongue inside out now pumping the youngers cock making Him Cum. He licked the younger one more time before standing up, pulling the younger by his waist and hugging Him Closer.

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