this is dedicated to the one i love

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for beauty,

i don't know where to begin with how much your support means. you believed in me when all i had was an idea, and i'll forever love you for seeing the plant when it was still just a seed. your name lives up to your heart, my love. wonders never cease when it comes to you.

and for my dearest eli,

you are such a terribly beautiful thing, in a beautifully terrible world. you are the smell of salt air in summer and the yellow hue of new flowers in spring. you're the moon and the rest of the world is a telescope. in the short time that i've known you, you've untangled the knotted mess of my life bit by bit. truthfully, you seem to make this cruel life seem a little less cruel. even after what you've been through for loving who you love, you remain so full of light. i think some of that unending light and love spilled into me when we became friends, and i promise you, i'll carry it with me always. a week with you felt like a lifetime- but even a lifetime couldn't hold all the good inside of you, dalia. you are a sonnet yet to be written. you are the smile on my face that i wear when i think no one is watching.

thank you.

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