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"Find a good princess..."

"Protect the throne..."

"Choose the right one..."

And Tedros had. He had found the woman of his dreams, getting ready for their wedding just a few corridors away. And yet, something was wrong. He had this aching feeling in his stomach, and it wasn't just from the mouldy cucumbers Sophie made him eat ("They'll make your skin perfect for the wedding, Teddy!") 

He sighed as he looked into the crystal mirror of his castle bedroom. What was he doing? Was this just early wedding jitters? Or Was this how he would always be; sad, sorrowful, always longing for something more, just like his father...

 No. He was nothing like his father. He would never be like him. He had found the right princess. Right?

The sound of hooves outside the castle gates snapped him out of thoughts. Hmm, who could be here at this time? Most of the guests were arriving closer to sunset, when the wedding takes place, as there weren't even enough guest rooms for the amount of people Sophie had invited ("The more the merrier, Teddy darling!') 

Tedros'  curiosity  drove him to the window, to a sight that made his heart flutter a bit.

A young woman, riding on a white horse, stood there, her brown, glossy hair caped around her head. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the late noon sun, her thin layer of armour gleaming like diamonds. She talked to the guard, laughed at his joke, but her eyes seemed to swivel this way and that, before landing on the same castle window Tedros was staring at. 

He dove out the way, cursing himself as he tripped over the curtains. Agatha. She was here. He peeked out behind the curtains. She was gone.

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