The True Ever After...

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Tedros grabbed Agatha, who sat up, looking dazed. He laid her back down carefully, stood up, and drew his sword on whoever was there. His arm went limp when he saw who it was. 

Sophie stood there, her wedding dress torn, her hair a mess of twigs and leaves and her shoes muddy from her horse (who had seemed to run away). All he was focused on though was the deadly look in her eyes. And it wasn't just on him. 

"Ah, Teddy, how did I know you would follow my best friend out to the Woods to retrieve her for the wedding, but I think it's time to go home now?"


"Oh, that's right. No, you were just planning on running away with her to live Happily ever after, and leave poor old me to suffer with the embarrassment that my best friend and fiancé ran of together on our wedding night!" Sophie screamed. 

"Sophie-" Agatha started.

"Oh, shut up, Aggie! You were always there to ruin my plans, my hopes and my dreams, weren't you Aggie? Always there to mess everything up like the ugly Good girl you are!" 

Tears fell from Agatha's face. "Please, Sophie, I never meant to hurt you,"

"Oh, of course you didn't, did you?" She spat, before turning her gaze back to Tedros. "You do realise, Teddy, that running away from your fiancé is not a vey princely thing to do. You really think that they'll accept you as their king if you do this? You will be just like your mother."

 Tedros winced at this. "Sophie please, don't do this. I don't want to hurt you."

"Aww, is little Teddy Weddy scared to hit a girl!"

Tedros looked around desperately. "I love her, Sophie! Do this for her, your best friend, not for me! Do the good thing!"

Sophie glared at him in the low light of the setting sun. "But you're forgetting one thing Teddy," she grinned. "I'm Evil."

Sophie fired another death blow at Agatha, who only just managed to jump out the way. Tedros grabbed her behind him and turned his gaze back towards Sophie. 

"Stop Sophie!" He yelled, shifting his grip on the sword to a tighter position. 

"Wow, isn't this just wonderful? It's like a proper fairy tale! The dashing, dumb prince and his snot-brained princess facing off together to kill the witch. But you wouldn't let him kill me, would you Aggie?" 

Agatha stepped forward, tears glistening on her cheeks like stars. "Sophie, please, come back to me. I love you like a sister!" 

Sophie's gaze seemed to soften for a second, before hardening again. "That love died today Aggie." And with that, she fired one last death shot, hitting Agatha on the chest, who fell backwards with the force. 

Tedros froze. Time seemed to slow down. He looked at his princess, now lying on the ground, maybe even dead. Then He looked to Sophie, who showed no remorse. 

He ran to Agatha, checking that she was still breathing, thank goodness she was. He picked her up, dodging shots from Sophie and making them ricochet off his sword. He used the time while Sophie was dodging them to lumber to his horse, putting Agatha on and then himself. And he galloped away. 

He wasn't sure where they were going, but he knew he would never be able to return home. The throne would have to wait. But as the pain seeped through him, he knew he would have all he would ever need, as long as Agatha was by his side. 

Agatha felt the galloping horse below her, and looked up to see Tedros. Thank goodness he was safe. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sophie, and if she was closer she would have seen her glare as coldly as the Ice Plains. Something has broken between them that could never be fixed. 

And as Agatha's tears fell on her ripped dress, a warmthness fell through her, for she knew, as she rode towards the setting sun, that she had completed her quest; she had found what she needed. 

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