Awkward Conversation

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The wedding was hours away, yet the castle was alive with hustle and bustle. Butlers were running around frantically in white suits, maids rushed from room to room, dusting everything until it all shone and cooks were forced to soak in the heat of the kitchens for hours making the fancy food Sophie had ordered for the Reception. Everyone but one person was running around. 

Tedros stared out at the courtyard below him, at the bustling people cheering his name and holding up signs and pictures of Sophie and him. It gave him no pleasure. Only a pit feeling of dread. The best day of his life was turning out to be the worst. 

He suddenly heard a swift bang of a door, and footsteps running down the staircase above him. A maid, maybe? But maids didn't slam doors. It must be Sophie, angry at someone like she had been all morning. Probably a butler, making a stupid mistake... definitely not a maid. 

For a young woman's bare feet had appeared at the bottom of the staircase, her black dress hanging limply on her shoulders, her hair a mess of curlers and dark brown locks. But Agatha's frantic gaze met his still one, their eyes locking. 

"Hi," she whispered.

"H-hi," he mumbled. 

"Nice to see you again,"

"Yeah, it's... nice."

They spoke to each other as if they had just met for the first time, both feeling awkward and like they should be somewhere else, anywhere else, but in this conversation. For once, Tedros looked into her eyes properly. He began to realise that they didn't look like bugs eyes at all. They seemed to shine like emeralds on his fathers crown, glistening at him.

"Lovely weather for a wedding-" 

"How have you been?" He almost yelled. 

Agatha seemed surprised by this question. "Fine, fine. I met up with Beatrix on the borders of Jaunt Jolie. She's really excited about the wedding, and warding of the pirates is going great. Hester and Anadil are still trying to get Dot to be more villainous, but I think they're more interested in each other..." She broke off.

"Cool," he mumbled. "What was your Quest for Glory again?"

"Oh, it was.." Agatha didn't know if she was comfortable telling him. After all, what student had a quest like hers? "To find what I was missing."

"Oh," he didn't know what to say. "Sounds cool. Have you found it yet?"

"Not yet. And yours was to...?" 

"Bring Camelot back to its former glory before these big-headed bozos took over for me!" 

Agatha giggled at this. His shoulders relaxed. He had missed hearing that laugh. 

"So... has Sophie been getting you ready?"

She stopped smiling and sighed. "Yes, and I swear she is more focused on getting me ready than actually getting married!" She stopped for a few seconds. "She's excited to see you,"

"Oh, that's... um... nice,"

"Are you excited?" 

"I mean, of course! What Prince isn't excited for his wedding! Not this one, I can tell you!" 

She smiled weakly. "Good, that's... good." She sighed and took a few steps back. "I better get back, or Sophie will have some sort of fit-" 

"I missed you," Tedros blurted. 

"Me too," 

And although he could barely see her, he could have sworn he saw tears prick her and his eyes as she walked away. 

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