13 | Ripple Burst

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"Now, if you all ever get into trouble with the neverseen again, inflicting will be useful." Magnate Leto was studying them intensely with his pale blue eyes.

"So...?" Keefe voiced everyone's mental question.

"I'll teach you how to block inflicting!" Leto smiled. Sophie froze. Was that even possible?

"Um...Okay?" Biana curled a lock of hair around her finger. 

"You'll have to concentrate, but in a different way." 

"That's hard." Dex mumbled.

"And with enough practice, you'll get it. Honestly, it's not that hard." Magnate Leto told them.

Sophie thought of her 'seed' again. Instead of letting it burst or grow, she let the rain drizzle it over, until it sprouted into a flower.

A teal flower. The same shade of the Vacker's eyes.

"Amazing!" He breathed, causing her to open her eyes. Her body was now glowing with a faint light.

"That's how you'll know if you got it right." 

Slowly, Fitz's body also shined with a pale light. Then Tam's. 

After that, Biana glowed furiously with a pink light. Linh's was a silver light. Dex had a white light. Keefe shone with gold.

"Wonderful!" Magnate Leto smiled. He dismissed them, so they made their way away from Magnate Leto's office. 

"It's kinda weird, don't you think? The Neverseen haven't attacked us in...a while." Biana said nervously.

"I'm sure it's fine." Keefe placed an arm around her shoulders. Tam rolled his eyes.

"The last time you said that, our abilities switched." Keefe closed his eyes for a second.

"Whatever." He stalked off, and Tam went out of the next possible door.

"Yikes. That problem is killing me!" Dex waved the air, as if to block negative vibes. 

"I know. They literally spent a day together, and they're still...frenemies?" Linh's voice hitched at the end.

"Yeah." Fitz sighed.

The next day, they had free time, so they kept practicing their powers. Sophie was vanishing faster than usual, Biana could summon any amount of water, Fitz was getting good at shadows, Tam could transmit to anyone throughout Eternalia, Keefe could fix about any gadget, and Dex could tell every feeling. Linh, was doing great as well, considering she had to own five abilities.

She struggled at bit at keeping her gloves on, but that was okay.

"So guys," Sophie looked at them all seperately.

"We should get a code word for using the inflicting shield. Just in case." She smiled.

"How about Ripple burst?" Keefe joked. Fitz grinned.

"Actually, I think that's a good code word. Half ripplepuff, and half custard burst."

"Good idea." Dex agreed. Biana nodded her approval. 

"Sure, I guess." Tam shrugged. Linh smiled and nodded. 

"Alright then. Let's practice the shield too, because...I still suck." Keefe rubbed the back of his neck. Sophie cracked up.

After a week of practice, it was like they had those abilities in the first place. Everyone only struggled a bit, but overall, they were doing awesome.

At the start of next week, Sophie got on her training outfit, and met with her friends on the Everglen field.

"Let's try the inflicting again, okay?" Sophie instructed. They found out that they could turn on their glow in about a minute.

"Do you think we can work even faster?" Biana asked. Sophie nodded. 


"Thrity seconds!" Linh practically squealed in Sophie's face.

"Practice more tomorrow? I think we deserve a break." Tam suggested. Mumbled replies went back to him. 

They trudged inside Everglen, and flopped on couches.

"I'm exhausted." Dex remarked, taking a sip of water. 

"Me too." Fitz added. His hand was really near Sophie's, so they almost touched. 

Her face felt warm, and not just from the training.

On the weekend, they went out to Mysterium for a treat.

Sophie crunched into her cookie, and Fitz smiled slightly.

Biana was braiding her hair, one strand after the other.

"That's pretty." Keefe commented when she was done. Biana practically glowed. 

"Hello." A girl with flowing caramel blonde hair went up to the seven of them. She told them she was told to bring them somewhere Alden advised them to go.

Sophie went into Fitz's mind, trying to transmit something. But she found...

Fitz, aged 10 and Biana aged eight, sitting in a room with Alden. Alden turning to both of them, crossing his arms. Fitz remembering Biana who was shaking because she thought she was in trouble.

"Look. This is important. Never go with a stranger unless they give you the code." 

"What's the code?" Fitz had asked, looking at the papers skeptically.

"You know Grady and Edaline?" They both nodded.

"The code is JolieOrange." Biana laughed at the silly name, but turned silent at the name Jolie.

"What's an orange?" Fitz had asked. Alden looked at him directly.

"It's a human fruit. It's the color orange, and it's the shape of a sphere." 

"Okay! I got it!" Biana smiled, looking so much like one of those barbie dolls Fitz saw in the human world...

"What's the code?" Sophie asked boldly, before Fitz could say anything. He stared at her, and realization dawned. She had been looking at his thoughts.

Sophie transmitted JolieOrange to everyone else. Biana jumped when the code hit her, and her eyes watered, though she did not cry.

"I...uh..." The girl stuttered, because she most certainly didn't know the code.

"It's...Vacker...Teal! VackerTeal123. Now come with me." Her eyes gleamed menacingly. Keefe moved in front as to protect them all.

"Hey, that's not the code. So shove off." He shot at her. She widened her eyes for a second, and narrowed her eyes for the next. 

"What's taking you so long, Hallina?" A hoarse voice asked behind her. She jumped and dashed away, muttering about being late to an ability class.

Sophie had been so focused on the girl that she didn't notice the familiar voice.

Well, not until she looked into the blue eyes under the cloak. The glaring, cold eyes of Fintan Pyren. The Neverseen had come again.


Hello again! I'm so SO sorry for not updating in a while. School is taking up all my time, and I can't update as fast as in the summer.

Cliffhanger alert! I'm sorry again. I made you all wait for this, and I leave you off on a cliffhanger. Or, as Shannon would call it, a GameChanger.

Virtual hugs to all of you who have read until now! Stay safe at home everyone!


🩰Word count🩰: 1055 

🎀Chapter count🎀: 13

🎆Views count🎆: 663✨✨(You're all crazy! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE VIEWS!)

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