Chapter 11: Sophie

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"Sophie, I have something for you!" Edaline's voice shook Sophie out of her daydreaming.

She bolted to the door and opened it wide enough to see what her mother was holding. "You got the Anoctacators?"

Edaline grinned back "Dex's conjurer, Garrett sent me and your friends' conjurer pictures which is enough for us to locate and retrieve them. I'm not sure what they do but I'm sure Dex explained everything."

Sophie nodded as she took the device from Edaline's hands. "It's an attachment to the Imparter so we can all hail each other at the same time or send messages."

Edaline smiled. "Come down, I'm sure Grady would love to see this. It could be very useful." Edaline went downstairs, Sophie quickly grabbed her Imparter and followed.

"So what's this 'Anoctacator' I hear Dex made?" asked Grady

"I haven't tried it yet but Dex made a way so all of us, well, at least eight of us, can hail at the same time with each other, or do a group chat. The extension makes the screen bigger and so more than two people can hail. It's an extension you put on top with a case to keep it in place, specially designed by Biana." Sophie explained, proud that she knew what it did.

Grady seemed keen for her to test it so she clicked the extension onto her imparter, making the screen larger at the top and a case with enough space to hold the Anoctacator and Imparter together. She examined the case Biana had designed, a large yellow Sunflower growing face up. Now rather than the Imparter being a tiny rectangle only meant for one person's face, like her iPod, was now a large square.

She displayed Biana's custom case to her family and guards, who "oohed" and "awed" as she twirled it around in her hand.

Sandor's face changed to a puzzled look. "Why is it a flower?" he demanded.

Sophie didn't know either. "I'm not sure what Biana was going for but it definitely looks amazing!"

Sandor nodded in agreement and Sophie wondered if she should also tell her parents about the plan to meet in Alluveterre 2.0.

Grady then said "So you need this to talk to everyone at once? I thought you just wanted to talk to that boy."

Suddenly Sophie felt the need to change her mind about sharing the plan. "What is it with you and Keefe!? He's an elf, not unlike any of us, but is also my friend!" Sophie responded angrily, annoyed with her father.

"You sure he's just a friend?" Grady added, not helping at all.

Sophie didn't answer, trying to show anger towards them but she stormed up to her room instead.

She heard Edaline's soft voice behind her. "Grady you know better than that. Her friends should all be treated the same, especially Keefe-"

Her voice faded out of earshot once Sophie slammed the door. She realized she forgot her Anoctacator downstairs but she wasn't about to go down again. A moment later she heard a buzzing sound coming from below, it was faint though she realized it was the Anoctacator. She raced downstairs, trying to be stealthy, but her balance failed her, as usual, her clumsy self toppled down the stairs.

Bo held back a laugh as she stood back up and quickly grabbed her Anoctacator off the table, then headed upstairs before further embarrassing herself. Apparently Dex had already started a group chat including the eight of them, called 'The Anoctacator Squad'.though it was a boring name, Sophie was feeling better knowing they could all talk during this time. Fitz, Dex and Biana were already texting on the chat before she joined.

DexDizznee: Hey everybody I hope you all got your Anoctacators, Biana designed the cases that hold everything together. I hope you like them!

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