19; Come Love Me Again

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    Willow's POV

    Contrary to popular cinematic belief, laying down for ten days and then suddenly waking up doesn't leave you in the same physical state as you were before. I scoffed when Bruce said I might need a wheelchair or crutches to move for the first few days, but the second I attempted to stand up, my legs failed, and I collapsed miserably on the floor. Sure enough, Bruce was there to help me up and place my bottom into a simple wheelchair Helen had brought in earlier. The young doctor had also informed me that her occupation required her to move out of the Tower. Bruce had completed the research of the super-soldier serum, anyway, so nothing was holding her back anymore. However, that didn't mean she would never return for another, upcoming project.

    Since my arm muscles were also pretty weak, pushing the wheels also proved to be a challenge, but I headed for the elevator as soon as I got the hang of it. I stopped by my bedroom first and exchanged Bruce's lab outfit for tights and a t-shirt. It wasn't exactly flattering on my scrawny body after receiving medical care for days on end, but there wasn't anything more comfortable and easy to put on. By the time I reached the kitchen, the lounge room had remnants of the guys spending their time sitting around, but no one else in sight. I had no idea as to why they dispersed in such a rush. I did remember seeing James through the glass walls overlooking the room as he passed them just before Bruce caught my attention by listing the best diet for recovery and that the serum would help my recuperation. When I looked down once again, James had already passed the lounge.

    I pushed the kitchen door open and scanned the area, noting that James and Natasha were chatting by the counter. Although I found it a tad strange, the heavenly scent of grilled cheese distracted me from overthinking it.

    "It smells delicious," I murmured to myself, though loud enough for both of them to turn my way. Ignoring their confused expression when they saw me in the wheelchair, I pushed myself closer to them.

    "It's nice seeing you outside that damn fish tank," Nat smirked and leaned down for a hug. "How are you feeling?"

    "I'd be better if I could walk," I joked, hugging her slim shoulders. I was never able to prance with my height—being shorter than everybody else—but, Nat helped me achieve that by being an inch shorter than me. Unfortunately, while I was stuck in a wheelchair, even her small figure managed to loom over my head.

    "You'll be doing that in no time," James smirked, placing a plate with my sandwich on the dining table. "Bon Appetit. I hope you like it; I haven't made a toast in seventy years."

    "That's why I was here to help," Natasha added, moving one of the chairs from the table to make room for me. James pushed me closer to the table before he and Nat both took a seat on each of my sides, the two facing each other.

    "Thank you both," I managed to murmur before taking a big bite of the sandwich, the cheese melting even further in my mouth. If there was anything I truly, genuinely loved, save for James, it was cheese. Whether it was on a pizza, in a sandwich, or just as a buffet snack, I adored every second of devouring it.

    "You must be hungry, huh," Nat giggled upon seeing my enjoyment. "You haven't really eaten a single thing in ten days."

    I finished the sandwich within the first minute of us talking, confirming her theory of my hunger. "I'm more worried about moving," I said, glancing at James in search of comfort. "I've never been... you know, not able to walk."

    "With the serum flowing through your veins, you'll get your strength back in a day or two," he said as he studied me head-to-toe, lingering his gaze on my limbs in question. The invalidity was inevitable; though, James' forehead wrinkles made me feel more vulnerable than ever as they grew deeper the longer he looked at me.

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