Chapter 1 - The Team

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Lionblaze: Welcome to our new show, Warriors Truth or Dare!

Hollyleaf: When we were coming up with the idea, I realised that two hosts would not be enough. So we asked Jayfeather if he wanted to help.


Lionblaze: Hey Jazzy, wanna help us make a T.V show?

Jayfeather: Wait is this another one of those Top Ten things. Cuz that last one was a NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!!

Hollyleaf: No we're not doing Top Ten ways to annoy Jayfeather. We already finished it dumb-dumb!

Jayfeather: Phew

Lionblaze: Now we are doing Warriors Truth or Dare.

Jayfeather: Oh dear. Lemme guess, you poof cats in and make them do a truth or dare.

Hollyleaf: Yah huh.

Jayfeather: Count me out.

Lionblaze: Fine! We don't need you anyway. But prepare to be given really hard truths or dares!

Jayfeather: *stalks off*

Lionblaze: What are we gonna do? We need another cat!

Hollyleaf: Or cats.

Lionblaze: Are you saying that we should create a team of hosts?


Lionblaze: Okay, who should we ask?

Hollyleaf: I know! We should do interviews for the job!

Lionblaze: That's a good idea. But WHO?

Hollyleaf: Idk, let's just spread the word and see who shows up!

Lionblaze: Uh, fine.

*end of flashback*

Hollyleaf: We did that and, like, sooooo many cats showed up!

Lionblaze: Ummm you mean four?

Hollyleaf: Whatevs. We still made a team!

Lionblaze: Introducing, dun dun duhhhhhhhhhh.

Hollyleaf: Ivypool!

*Ivypool comes in*

Lionblaze: Squirrelflight!

*Squirrelflight comes in*

Hollyleaf: Alderheart!

*Alderheart comes in*

Lionblaze: Aaaaand-

Hollyleaf: Nope that's it.

Lionblaze: Oh.

Squirrelflight: Join us next time for our first truth or dare!

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