Chapter 3 - Jazzy (Jayfeather)

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Alderheart: Welcome to Warriors tr-

Squirrelflight: Oh never mind with that. We really need a shorter title.

Hollyleaf: Yeah.

Alderheart: Anyway

Ivypool: Alright, today's is another truth.

Hollyleaf: For who?

Ivypool: Jayfeather

Lionblaze: You mean Jazzy, right?

Ivypool: Yeah, whatever.

*Poofs in Jayfeather*

Jayfeather: Oh no. I shoulda known you were gonna do this to me. What's my truth or dare?

Ivypool: Are you in a relationship with your stick?

Jayfeather: Ummmmmm

Squirrelflight: Ha Ha! I knew it. He is!

Jayfeather: Am not!

Squirrelflight: Are too!

Jayfeather: Am not!

Squirrelflight: Are too!

Jayfeather: Am not!

Squirrelflight: Are to! No returns.

Jayfeather: Whatever. *Leaves*

Ivypool: Great job, you scared him off.

Squirrelflight: Well, I can be very scary.

Ivypool: *Sigh* Come back next time!

Squirrelflight: *Pulls out her phone and sends a message saying 'are to' to Jayfeather*

I have officially run out of ideas, so if anyone reads this can they put a request for a truth or dare in the comments pls. tysm!

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