Chapter 2 - Firestar

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Ivypool: Welcome back to Warriors Truth or Dare!

Alderheart: Please give us truth or dare suggestions!

Hollyleaf: Yeah I had to come up with this one ALL BY MESELF!

Lionblaze: Uhhhhhh no you didn't, I DID.

Squirrelflight: Just shut up.

Ivypool: SO our first one is a truth for Firestar. He has to choose who he would rather be with, Spottedleaf, of Sandstorm.

Squirrelflight: Bets! Bets! Come place your bets on who he will choose!

Alderheart: Ummmmmm, I think Sandstorm.

Ivypool: Nah, he's totes gonna pick Spotty!

Squirrelflight: *mutters* idiot.

Ivypool: What was that Squirrelflight?

Squirrelflight: Uhhhh, NOTHING!

Hollyleaf: *growling* Bring him in!

Squirrelflight: *also growling* Oh he's comin in!

Ivypool: Scary

Squirrelflight: Wha was dat?

Ivypool: Umm nothing!

Alderheart: *gulp*

Lionblaze: *hastily* Let's just get back to the show!


*Firestar, Sandstorm and Spottedleaf appear*

Firestar: What am I doing here?

Sandstorm: Yeah, what is this place?

Hollyleaf: What a good question.

Spottedleaf: Oh. Hi Firestar.


Sandstorm: *clears throat*

Firestar: Oh. Uh. Hi dear.

Sandstorm: Yes. Hi.

Firestar: Heh heh.

Squirrelflight: AWKWARD!

Hollyleaf: *Smirking* so uh Firestar, you have been truthed by-

Lionblaze: Truthed?

Hollyleaf: It's a word. Look it up.

Lionblaze: Okay *pulls out a random dictionary*

Ivypool: Where'd ya get that?

Lionblaze: Oh. Never mind.

Hollyleaf: *hastily* Oh. Uh. Use mine!

Lionblaze: *looks at the page and sees the word 'truthed' scribbled in pencil*

Hollyleaf: It means to be given a truth.

Lionblaze: Right

Squirrelflight: Can we please just get back to the show?

Ivypool: Okay, so Firestar you have been truthed to pick who you would rather be with, Sandstorm or Spottedleaf.

Firestar: Uhhhh. Probably Sandstorm, cuz like we have kits.

Sandstorm: Probably?

Firestar: Uhhhhhhh. *runs away*

Sandstorm: *chases after him*

Spottedleaf: *sobbing in the corner*

Alderheart: That went well.

Lionblaze: Actually it did, we get to watch Sandstorm chase Firestar.

Squirrelflight: Come back next time! 

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