Chapter 2

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"Mom, why are we here?"


"Mom why the fuck are we here," I asked quietly

She looked outside, expression unreadable.

"Mom, please I promise that I'll stop using drugs okay?. Just turn around and let's go home, please"

"Rue, you can't keep using drugs and overdosing whenever life doesn't go your way."

Looking into my mom Leslie's big brown, worried eyes I couldn't help but feel like I don't deserve her and that nothing I do could make up for the pain that I put her through last summer and now again. So the only thing I could do right now was, to get out the car and get into rehab and hopefully come out and stay clean...

"Whatever mom, let me know when you love your daughter enough to take her home again okay?"

With that, I closed the car door shut and took my suitcase out of the trunk. 'Welcome back to rehab Rue', I told myself mentally.

I got inside and went up to the receptionist who immediately recognized me. I'd say that it's the hoodie, but it could also be the fact that I was here last summer. The lady greeted me and grabbed a pile of papers and handed them to me. Weird. "What are these for?"

"It has all the information you need like, the duration of your stay, Classes, and assignments and appointments with doctors and therapists, the treatment methods, and different tests."

Okay..... This wasn't going at all like I hoped it would and the duration of my stay here would be longer than I anticipated.

"If you want I can go through them for you but I'll need your consent because I'm only a receptionist you know?"

I shook my head. "Nah, I'm fine bruh, is there a restroom that I can use?. To you know?... Let my fluids out?" I smirked attempting to look intimidating.

She stood up.

"Of course Rue, but a nurse will be going in with you because the hospital suggested strict supervision at all times. So no privacy at all." She said sternly.


I walked around the place until I bumped into a girl who was a head shorter than me.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't see you there."

I smiled. "No, it's okay. I didn't see you either."

"You're Rue, right? I'm Eleanor." She stretched out a hand and we shook hands, and when it became awkward I pulled my hand back into the pocket of my hoodie.

"If you want I can show you around and show you your room and you can get to know the rest."

After meeting everyone we headed to my room. The rooms weren't bad they weren't too big or too small they might be perfect actually. Eleanor helped me put all my clothes into the closet and some in the dresser. The walls were off white, surprisingly calming.

"Oh and I forgot to mention, the rules here are really fucking strict. No closed doors, light out at nine, no cursing, no fighting with other patients, or insulting nurses. Violating rules can result in having every privilege you have taken away from you. Privileges are things like having your phone and earning extra time with visitors if you have any."

"Wait, hold up. You have to EARN extra time with visitors? The last time I was here they didn't even fucking care whether we had eight hours of sleep or not. This is all fucking ridiculous don't you think? I'm going home fuck it. I'll call my mom and be outta here in no time because this is bullshit."

I shut the door and ran towards the main entrance.

Rue's Relapse //Euphoria//Where stories live. Discover now