Chapter 3

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⚠️ warning ⚠️
There will be mild violence. Nothing bloody though. But proceed at your own risk.

"Excuse me!" A guard who came out of nowhere shouted.

I ignored him And the other four guards who were behind him. When I finally reached the door I yanked it open and three guards came through it and tackled me to the floor. Doing that they made everyone stop and stare at us so fucking embarrassing if you ask me.

"Let go of me! I swear to God I fucking swear to God that I'll hurt you when I fucking get the chance! Get off of me!! fucking perverts, I'll beat you the fuck up okay? I'll beat you up!" I shouted at the top of my lungs actually hoping that they would let me go. But I made it worse. They started hurting me. "Rue calm down or we're going to use physical measures that you won't like," a lady guard said calmly, while another one put both my arms behind my back and stretched them up. At this, I yelled and sobbed and shouted. The guards ordered everyone the go-to their rooms and stay there until told otherwise.

"What the fuck?!, ow! You're going to fucking break my arm you know that? You fucking son of a bitch! why don't you do that to your fucking children huh?"

"Rue if you don't calm down we're going to have to hold you in this position until you're completely calm and able to join the others." A male guard said also calmly. My limbs were throbbing from all the weight and force that the guards had on me.

"Just let me go!" Now if you looked at me right now you'd think that I was at a mental hospital rather than a drug rehab. The pain in my arms which was still behind my back and stretched up was unbearable. The only way that this pain would go away was if I shut my mouth, so I did.

"Can you let me go now?" I asked in a lower voice than before.

"Only if you're calm enough to speak to the head nurse." A lady guard answered but they never really released the force that they had on me until...

"Guards, let the patient go, she's perfectly relaxed now. Off you go." Came from a lady in front of me.
I rose my head as far as I could with all the weight on me...
In front of me was someone who looked like she were in her late 20s and early 30s.

They finally got their weights off me and let my arms and legs go. I sat up slowly and carefully and crossed my legs on the cool floor because my limbs still hurt and standing upright away wouldn't help either. When the guards left the woman sat down in front of me.

"Hi, I'm the head nurse Elizabeth Warren but you can call me Nurse Warren or Nurse Liz. You're Rue. And you're in for rehabilitation because of an overdose you've had am I right?"

"Yeah" I answered still sniffling, you see? This is fucking embarrassing.

"It's 'yes nurse' for you, your roommate is Aline Hernandez and you'll be introduced later when she arrives. Also, the rules and regulations are to be followed. You'll be having visitors by next week and allowed phone calls in two days."

I just stared at her, my eyes still burning from the tears. 

"What the guards did is something that we call 'aggression regulation' it's to help you control your anger by forcing you to calm down with physical force, you were angry and aggravated so it had to be done to you in order to calm you down."

I laughed. "How the fuck do you calm a person down by hurting them? It's like wanting a person to remain calm and holding a gun to their head to make them calm down faster. I know that I'm here because I barely have a lot of brain cells because of drugs but I'm not an idiot."

"Bennet you may want to watch that tone with me because I can get the guards in the blink of an eye."

I really didn't care. "Okay"

"So, get up, go shower, and go to the living room for a proper introduction to the other youths and nurses." She ordered.

I got up silently and headed to the room that Eleanor said was mine.

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