Chapter 4

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I sat on the bed and contemplated life until I heard a knock on the door. I kept staring at the door. Who would need to knock? Everyone was being strictly supervised right?

"Come in?" I said trying not to sound shouty or anything. Silence. Then the door opened and a girl came in, she glanced around the room then her eyes fell on me.

"Hi," I muttered, miserably failing at trying to hide the fact that I was shy around people my age. I know that it's weird to get intimidated by other teenagers, but I'm still Rue you know?

"Oh hey, you're Rue, right? I'm Brianna" she said as she put her duffel bags on her bed which was across the room. I put my head down trying to hide the dry tears but I was too late. Fuck. "Are you crying? Is everything okay? Should I go get a nurse?" In between every question I answered a quick "no" until... "Hey, Just shut the fuck up okay?" I said.

I got up, took my clothes, and headed to the bathroom which was a door next to the closet. I showered and put on some long pants and my blue tank top. I passed my hand through my wild hair and held it up in a loose bun. When I got out of the bathroom Brianna was still unpacking. I still had one Xanny left in the Xanny bar. Yeah, no fucking wonder I'm here. I walked over to the closet and took my black converse shoe and took out the last Xanax I had. I walked over to the nightstand and crushed the drug with a coin and a paper.

"Rue? what are you doing?" Brianna asked. She got closer to the nightstand. "None of your fucking business," I mumbled quickly. Before I could get up and take it with me to the bathroom Brianna wiped it away with her hand and took the coin and paper. What the fuck was wrong with her?

That was the last one I had. And today was a very fucked up day. I looked up at Brianna and said: "Get away from me, just get the fuck away from me!" I got up and started to push her until she stumbled and fell in front of her bed almost knocking over her nightstand. "I was thinking about letting this slide but attacking me made me change my mind." She got up and started walking towards me then stopped right in front of me. "The only way that I won't tell the nurses about your attempt to get high is if you let me go through all your  personal things to see if you've got any more drugs to share."

I let her, and she didn't find anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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