Mug shots

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"Today I will teach you how to take a mug shot." gray smiles.
"What?" I say confused as all hell.
"Mug shots just in case you get arrested." Gray says smiling totally serious.
"I am a good girl why would I be arrested?" I ask slightly offended.
Gray sits me down in the slide and sits next to me "first rule: never say the word good. It is totally useless, so leave it behind. Second with the trouble you will be causing in the future you may be arrested." He takes my glasses off.
"What trouble?!" I say now totally offended
He smiles and explains. In the future the world will think differently than I do. I will shake the very foundations of what we stand for as Americans. In that case I will probably be arrested. I apologize for getting upset and then we begin our lesson.
We posed and discussed how prison must be. But now that I look on it we were ridiculous. "They shouldn't be to mean in prison. I mean you guys are all in there together, why make it more difficult than it needs to be?" Gray said taking fake pictures with his hands.
I turn to the side with my hands to Gray as if I were holding a sign to him "that sounds accurate." I reply.
Of course we later found out the horrors of prison watching an episode of Cops at his house.
Imagine two young kids on a couch him with his arms one the back of the couch while I am snuggled up on his left shoulder eyes wide with trauma. That is how we learned the term "don't drop the soap". Gray didn't shower for almost a week after that. I knew I wasn't in jail so I didn't mind. Beside I didn't use a bar of soap for my body. I hade a tube of soap and a body puff, poor Gray.
Being that I had a body puff whenever I bent over Gray would kick me in the butt to remind me of his tragic misfortune. "So girly since we were wrong about the prison I want to cover all of my bases and make sure we practiced the mug shots correctly. So I invited my juvenile mad man Thing over to teach you." He said at his house one day.
"Thing?" I ask.
"He has trust issues beyond belief. He will only respond to Thing. So no asking what his name is, legally it's not thing. Let's clear that up now. Thing? Come in here please. Ares is here to learn." Gray says.
I half expected Thing to be dressed in an orange jumpsuit but instead a tall pale blonde boy that was very fit for his age walked into the bedroom. He looked like a greaser, a real outsider. He wore a white shirt with a classic leather jacket that was cut up and dull. He wore black work boots with steel toes. His left shoe had a black lace the right shoe had an orange lace. He sat down without a word. I smiled "what's Gray teach you?" Thing whispered so quiet he had to repeat. I showed him the mug shots and he said "that'll do. " Then walked out the room and out the house. Gray looked at the floor. "I guess mug shots bring up bad memories?" Gray said with an adorable shrug.

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