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"Can you hear me?" George asked, his voice shaky.

Dream nodded, tears brimming in his eyes and George couldn't help but let out a cry.

He flew into Dream's arms, sobbing. George hadn't realised just how lonely he had been, not being able to actually talk to anyone.

"I missed you so much," Dream whispered, hugging himself in an attempt to hug George.

George tried to respond but couldn't calm down enough to string together coherent sentences.

They stayed like that for a little while, the living and the dead comforted by each other's presence.

George pulled away, gripping the mic tightly in his cold white hands.

Dream weakly laughed, wiping his wet eyes with the back of his hand.

"I thought I'd never hear your voice again," he said, a bittersweet smile stretching across his face.

"Well you thought wrong," George replied, sitting in the air. It had taken him an entire day to learn how to do, but it wasn't like he had anything better to do.

Dream shook his head softly, leaning back on his arms.

"I'm honestly surprised it even works; I did get it off of Amazon for like 40 dollars," he chuckled, eyes on the floating mic that was George. George picked at his socks, humming to himself.

The room settled into silence, neither person knowing what to say after not having spoken in so long.

"When are you going to tell Sapnap about me?" George quietly broke the silence, glancing up at Dream.

Dream looked down, George unable to read the emotions in his eyes.

"I... I don't know," Dream answered. George watched as Dream clenched his fists a little tighter.

"It's just," Dream took a deep breath, "I haven't spoken to anyone in so long and just to come back and say that you're still here? He'd think I went crazy."

George let out a soft 'oh'.

"I guess you're right," George replied, sighing and looking to the side. He fiddled with his , wishing that his family had buried him in something more... Him.

"I miss them."

"I know you do George."

"It's just... Hard."

"I know- wait. Wait. I think I have an idea."


And what a wonderful idea it was.

A few days later, Dream and George were sitting in Dream's room, ready to call someone they hadn't heard from in a very long time.

George sat down on the desk, his legs swinging in the air. Dream paced around the room, his phone in hand. George could tell he was hesitant, after all they hadn't spoken to their friend in forever.

Finally, Dream hit the call button.

Sapnap immediately picked up and began yelling.

"Nick calm down-" Dream winced and turned down the volume on his phone.

"CALM DOWN?! YOU DISAPPEAR FOR 2 FUCKING MONTHS AND TELL ME TO CALM DOWN?!" The hurt and anger in Sapnap's voice made George flinch, not having heard his friend get that angry before.

"Nick I'm sorry," Dream softly said, his voice breaking. Tears brimmed in his eyes.

"Clay, i- Jesus dude, I mean I'm glad you're back but where the hell where you?" Sapnap said, worry creasing his brow. Dream didn't respond.

"You know what? I don't care where you were as long as you're okay now. I mis- we- Hell, everyone missed you so much Dream. Please don't do that again, I can't lose you too," Sapnap wiped his eyes, struggling to stay calm.

It broke George's heart.

"I won't," Dream softly promised, sitting down at his desk. Sapnap wiped away more tears and looked into Dream's room, staring at something. Confusion was evident on his face, replacing the relief and fear that had been there before.

"Dream who's there with you?" He asked, clearly perplexed.

"What?" George said, causing Dream to glance in his direction.

"Uhm," Dream quickly looked back to Sapnap.

George moved behind Dream to get a better look at his friend.

Sapnap gasped.


"No fucking way."

"Dream, are you screwing with me?" Sapnap's voice dripped with disbelief, shock displayed on his disheveled face.

"What do you mean?" Dream asked, just as confused as George.

"Dream stop, this isn't funny," Sapnap pleaded with Dream, George wondering what was happening.

"I'm not doing anything!" Dream replied, frustration laced throughout his voice.

"Then tell me why George is standing right behind you."

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