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I've had baddddd writer's block for so long and then I worked more on my youtube channel and now i'm a minecraft youtuber (channel name: "Defelala" in case ur interested) and just ekskwkwkdksksks


As always, song is inspo!


George felt Dream stir under him and smiled.

"Good morning," he said, cuddling into his Florida man. Dream didn't respond, which hurt until George realised that he couldn't hear him, which hurt even more.

Sometimes, George forgets that he's dead. He'd go to pick up a cup or something and his hand would pass right through it, or he'd try to sit down and be would just float through the sofa.

However, Dream was working on things to make his afterlife a little easier.

Inspired by the show George had introduced to him, Dream had set up a keyboard of sorts for George. The buttons were made from pieces of the planchette (Dream had ordered another one), which typed onto a google document that Dream almost constantly had open.

It made communicating so much easier, since they didn't have to spell out everything. George was grateful to have such a tech savvy boyfriend.

George floated over to the keyboard, typing out a good morning. The text to speech narrator read it out, causing a smile to brighten George's grey-ish white features. His pure white eyes squinted as Dream opened the blinds, letting in the fresh morning rays.

"Ahhh too bright!" his synthetic voice said, it's monotone pitch hardly doing the soft giggle that was unique to George justice.

"Wake up and smell the roses Geo! Today is a very big day!" excitement radiating throughout dream's voice, the man practically skipped over to his dresser.

Dream reminded George of a dog sometimes. The video they did together probably helped with that mindset. but there was just something about him. Maybe it was the way he bounced on his heels when he was really excited, or the insane amount of loyalty the Florida man had for his friends. Or maybe it was the way he seemed to follow George around wherever he went.

Whatever the reason may be, George could perfectly picture how fast Dream's tail would be wagging right now if he had one.

"Oh? What do you have planned?" George asked before floating over to Dream, leaning against him.

"Nothing much, just a surprise that I know you'll love," the anticipation in Dream's voice was poorly hidden.


Now George was extra curious. What could Dream possibly have in store for him?

As he was lost in his daydreams, George failed to notice his Dream running out of his room. He huffed, cautiously floating down through the floor to see where Dream was going.

As his head came through, he immediately noticed Dream coming back inside with a package. Hm.

Dream glanced around, before shrugging and using his fingernails to open the box despite the letter opener right next to him.

George rolled his eyes and 'sat' next to his boyfriend.

"What is that...?" he questioned, sort of hoping for a response. He knew Dream couldn't hear him, but some little part of George hoped that he would. That Dream would perk up in response to his voice, that those cute green eyes would crinkle with a smile at George's giggle. Closing his own eyes, George leaned his head against Dream's shoulder.

"I hope this works," Dream muttered. He began taking it out of the box, but then paused. George opened his eyes as Dream stood up, the ghost hovering above the floor as his comfortable headrest walked off.

"George, if you're down here, then stay for a few moments. Please don't come upstairs until I tell you to," Dream ordered, looking around, before running back up the stairs and leaving George to die (for a second time) from curiosity.

He hummed, lazily floating through the air on his back. George listened to the muffled noises Dream's footsteps made on the carpet upstairs, thinking about his own footsteps. He missed feeling the cool wooden floorboards in the morning, or the soft fluffy carpet in his apartment under his feet.

His apartment. Luca. George frowned, rolling over in the air. Who was taking care of his cat? His precious baby?

What did his family think?

George had stopped caring about what they thought of him a long time ago. He did wonder from time to time though.

How was his little sister? Did she manage to deal with those bullies? George thought about her a lot. He missed comforting her when she came home from school crying.

Sure, his parents loved her and comforted her too. They just didn't understand like George did.

The remnants from a life George had long moved on from dissapated from his mind as Dream's voice called for him.

Excitement and a hint of anxiety bubbled in his blood- er, mist? as he floated through the ceiling.

Dream was sitting on his bed, legs swinging. Those soft green eyes looked around the room before focusing on the object his hands.

George moved over to his computer.

"I'm here, Dream," he typed, wincing at how monotone and uncaring it sounded.

Dream perked up, a grin spreading across his freckled cheeks.

"George! I have a gift for you, come here," the excitement in his voice made him sound like a five year old about to open their christmas presents.

"OK," george 'said', floating over to Dream.

The dirty blonde held up a small black rectangular device. George floated closer to inspect it.

"What is this thing?" he quietly questioned to himself, furrowing his eyebrows.

Dream audibly choked back a sob. His grip on it loosened and George instinctively reached out and caught it, surprised when he was able to hold it.

"What's wrong? Did I do something to him?" George tightened his hold on the object, clutching it close to his chest.

"I-I'm fine George," Dream responded, tears rolling down his face as he chuckled.

Dream responded.


"Oh my god,

Can you hear me?"


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