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Two teenage boys were seen dashing through the streets of Musutafu city, Japan weaving through the people on the sidewalk. Midoriya Izuku, the shortest of the two, had green messy hair and green eyes with freckles resting on his cheeks. The other, taller and with a more athletic build, with forward-spiked burgundy hair and a pair of cerulean irises with a dark blue border; which gave him a slight dual color in the eyes.

On their way to school they heard of a villain attack, and the shorter of the two took off like the wind with his friend following close behind. "Come on Akarui-chan, we gotta see the fight before it's over!" Midoriya exclaimed excitedly.

"Izuku-chan wait up, we cant be late for school this time!" The burgundy-haired friend called out, trying to catch up to his overjoyed friend.

Akarui Kagayaku POV

My name is Akarui Kagayaku. I'm fifteen years old and I want to be a hero. Unlike most people, I don't dream of being a hero for the fame or the money. To me it's about protecting people who can't protect themselves. When I was younger, I was bullied for having a lame quirk at the time. To be fair it was pretty lame, however that was because I had little to no idea how to use it at the time. A complete and utter stranger stepped in to save me one day. Even though he had no quirk, he stood strong against three bullies with quirks.

That's how both of our friendship began, and like a Phoenix, my dream to be a hero was reborn. I wasn't saved by a pro hero, no. I was saved by a complete stranger in my time of need. Izuku Midoriya, was my inspiration to become a hero again. A hero that will put his life on the line to save anyone and everyone, no matter who they are or what I would have to face to do so.

We eventually came across a crowd of onlookers staring up at the scene on the bridge above. "Woah, that's one huge villain!" Midoriya expressed  absolute awe of the villain.

The villain in question appeared to be two stories tall from our location. "A gigantification or expansion type quirk, huh? They're kind of common right?" I asked, looking over to my messy haired friend. Izuku nodded and started mumbling about those types of quirks. 'Heh, nerd'

Suddenly the villain roared and ripped through the scaffolds for the train's power lines causing it to fall directly towards us. It was too close for me to activate my quirk and protect everyone in the crowd fast enough. Luckily, the Punching Hero: Death Arms came running in and stopped in front of the crowd.

Slamming his fists together, he prevented the debris from harming the crowd and causing anyone else harm. Suddenly, water began to whip in front of the crowd forming a barricade to keep people from getting closer. "Everyone please stay back, this area is far too dangerous!" A man in front of the crowd voiced.

Izuku attempted to get a better look at the fight, then two people at the front began talking "Woah. Backdraft is here, he'll make sure we're ok!" Someone ahead of us remarked. "This guy must be pretty desperate to go full monster in the middle of the city. Do you know what happened?" Inquired about the other.

"Just some amateur, stole someone's bag and then got himself cornered" another responded. Midoriya continued to move up. I followed closely behind him, not wanting him to get separated from me.

"Get away from me or I'll break you like a toothpick!" yelled the giant villain. Izuku and I had finally made it to the front and he immediately began to narrate the fight. I just listened and watched the fight.

"It's Kamui Woods! He may be new, but he's making a big name for himself!" Izuku enthusiastically exclaimed. I quickly pulled out my pocket-sized notebook ready to record potential future move sets.

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