Battle Training! : Fight Among Rivals

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U.A's Hero course curriculum there are normal classes like English, they meet in the mornings and are taught by no other than the voice hero Present Mic. 'Let's just say I'm going to need tutoring from Izuku for English, if my hearing fades away within a few days' We ate lunch at the cafeteria, where we can eat tasty stuff for cheap. The cook hero: Lunch Rush, is the school's head chef! My Aunt loves his recipes for his South Asian casuine. Here Iida, Uraraka, Izuku and I all eat lunch together. Then in the afternoon its finally time for hero basic training with All Might!

"I AM HERE!, COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" All Might's voiced boomed as he opened the door and leaned in a dramatic pose. The whole class gasp in excitement of seeing All Might in person. A green haired girl on the other side of the class from me pointed out that All Might was in his Silver-age costume. 'Oh look, Izu is in awe too!'

"Welcome to the most important class in U.A. High, think of it as heroing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good. Let's get into it, today's lesson will pull no punches!" All Might exclaimed showing a card that says in big letters 'battle'.

"Fight Training!" Bakugo said with a heavy interest in the subject. 'I hope I don't have to go against him, he's way too invested in fighting' I mentally sighed. "But one of the keys for being a hero is, looking good!" All Might continued, pointing out a rows of unveiling panels numbered emerging from one of the walls.

"These were design based on your quirk registration forms and the special requests you sent in before school started. Get yourselves suited up and meet me at training ground beta!" All might boomed informatively.

Ground Beta

Once in the changing room, I smiled at my costume. My costume consisted of a bright yellow pair of boots and gloves, a light but highly durable body suit that is white above the waist and black under the waist, and a helmet with a red tinted face visor that covers my entire face. An orange heavily-fire resistant cape to cover victims that I'll be saving in.

The materials that was used to create my costume was a composite material that is highly durable and fire resistant over a hidden layer to cool the temperature of both my body and costume to allow me to use my self-detonation aspect of my quirk for longer periods of time. Small thin LED lights are spread across my body to give some extra light when within darker areas.

It was just as I had originally designed, I just hope that they followed it to a T. I quickly slipped on my hero costume and exited with a smile. "They say clothes makes the pros young ladies and gentlemen, and behold you are the proof! All Might proclaimed, as we appeared before him. "Take this to heart. From now on you are all, heroes in training!"

"You're getting me all revved up, you look so cool. Now shall we get started you bunch of newbies?" All Might questioned, with his smile unwavering. I looked around studying my fellow classmate's costumes to give me an idea on what their quirks might be or how they might aid their quirks in battle.

Izuku's hero costume made me snort at the resemblance to All Might, but it was unique to him at the same time. Plus his mother made it for him, so it had sentimental meaning to it. After all, his mother was a big supporter of him even arguably more than I was.

"Iida?" I inquired, looking at the armored clad man next to me. "Yes, Kagayaku?" he replied back. "Wow, your costume is so cool" I expressed gawking at it with Izuku in awe. "Ah, thanks Kagayaku. Yours look great as well, does your costume aid your quirk or is it more for show?" he asked, inspecting my design.

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