Quirk Apprehension Test

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I was walking with Izuku to U.A. for our first year at the prestigious school. We got our exam results two weeks after the exam, Izuku and I had agreed earlier not to open our results until we were together. When they did arrive we went into his room sat down to open them as a future hero team. He made me opened mine first.

Upon opening the letter a metallic disc fell out and suddenly started projecting a holographic recording of All Might. "I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION!" Boomed All Might as he appeared before us. "AH! ALL MIGHT!" Izuku and I said in sync.

"Only six more to go, thank goodness" he exclaimed wiping a bead of sweat off the side of his head before looking to his side. "What, we're still live?" he inquired before standing up straight and clearing his throat.

"Young Kagayaku it is I, All Might! but I bet you knew that already" he said with a hefty laugh. "You have no idea how many of these I had to do today, so I'll jump straight down to business" he continued with a sweat drop on his forehead.

He placed his hands on his hips before continuing "Young Kagayaku as you know that here at U.A. to become a hero you need to pass both the written exam and the practical exam to enter the hero course. You scored a solid fifty-nine villain points during the practical, which is enough to pass assuming that was all to the exam" All Might expressed causing me to worry that I did something wrong during the exam.

All Might leaned forward closer to the camera. "You see, the entrance exam was not graded only on villain points alone! How can a hero course reject people who made an attempt to save others and do the right thing?" All Might asked.

"Rescue points!" All Might exclaimed. 'Rescue points?' I repeated glancing over to Izuku making sure I was hearing it right. He nodded with me equally confused, "And they are given by a panel of judges-" he said as an image of the examinee that I almost hit, but redirected my attack just in time to save them appeared. "-Kagayaku Akarui, twenty points! Racking up a total score of seventy-nine points. Leaving you in first place in UA's entrance exam, earning a spot in the hero course!" All Might stated, standing back straight again.

"Congratulations, Young Kagayaku. This is your hero academia!" He claimed with his signature bright toothy grin, raising a thumbs up to me. It shortly ended there afterwards, I was so excited that I might've start crying if it weren't for the fact that it was Izuku's turn next.

"So rescue points, you said you attempted to rescue that brunette girl that stopped you from falling at the entrance right? That would mean you should have some extra points to your favor yeah?" I asked looking at my messy haired companion.

"Uh, I believe so. Still I'm not sure how much that would help me if that's the case" he commented, "Okay n-now its my turn" Izuku said as he began to open his letter with more enthusiasm after hearing mine and discovering the hidden point system.

Upon opening his he was given the news by All Might that he had passed with sixty three points and All Might even complemented him on saving the brunette. Ending the hologram, I turned to my meek friend to find tears in his eyes that contrasted his smile.

He stopped and wiped his face before looking up at me with a determined smirk. "Akarui, we're going to be heroes together. Just like we dreamt of since we were kids" he said causing the hairs on my neck to stand up. My eyes widen as the reality finally sank in, I couldn't help but smile and get teary eyed too.

Present Day Kagayaku POV

Walking down the halls Izuku and I had split up, since he had to use the restroom and I wanted to get to class quickly. I approached my classroom. Taking a moment to admire the unusually large door, I took in a deep breath before breathing outwards and pulling the door open.

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