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I opened my eyes and Amelia was still asleep next to me. I kissed her head and got up and got dressed and walked downstairs. All my cousins were already up, and had so much energy. I don't know how they do it.
"Good morning," my mom smiled and hugged me.
"Good morning," I said.
"Owen!" Rachel giggled.
"Hey," I smiled.
"What happened to Amelia?" Kiley asked.
"Oh she's still asleep," I chuckled.
"Oh," my cousins pouted and I chuckled.
"They love her," My mom chuckled.
"Yeah," I said.
"Owen can you drop this off at the hospital today for me?" My mom asked as she handed me a folder. She worked as a night nurse at Seattle Grace, and I used to volunteer there in my free time.
"Yeah sure," I said.
"Megan can we play that game on your iPad?" Lilian asked Megan.
"Yeah sure," Megan chuckled and grabbed her iPad off the counter and they pulled her into the living room. Megan was definitely glad yesterday that our cousins had someone else to harass, and especially since Amelia didn't really mind it. Everyone was drinking coffee and I got up and started making coffee for Amelia.
"Mom do we have French vanilla creamer?" I asked.
"I just used it, here you go," My Aunt Linda said and handed it to me.
"Thanks," I said.
"You drink French vanilla creamer?" My mom said.
"No," I chuckled, "Amelia does."
"Wow look at you," my mom smiled, "making coffee for your girlfriend."
"I'm nice sometimes," I chuckled. I heard footsteps and I saw Amelia walk into the kitchen. She was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans and her hair was falling over her shoulders. She was so cute.
"Good morning," I smiled as I wrapped her in a hug.
"Good morning," she said. I smiled as I pecked her lips and handed her the cup of coffee for her.
"For me?" She smiled.
"Yeah," I said.
"Thanks," she smiled as we sat down at the counter and my mom smiled at me.
"Amelia you'll be happy to know that the girls have been asking for you all morning," my uncle chuckled.
"Oh good," Amelia chuckled, "Where are they?"
"They're with Megan," I said and kissed her temple.
"Okay," Amelia said.
I somehow got convinced into having a tea party with Owen's cousins and Megan. Owen got off the hook since he's a boy. I love his cousins though, they're adorable. They were pouring fake tea out of their plastic tea set and I looked over at Megan and she chuckled.
"Girls," Linda said, "we're leaving in 20 minutes!"
"What?" Kiley frowned, "I don't want to."
"Me either!" Lilian said. Rachel found her way into Megan's lap and Kiley sat in mine.
"We're going to see grandma and grandpa today remember?" Linda said, "Daddy's parents."
"Okay," the girls pouted. I chuckled as I looked at Megan. Owen came out of the kitchen and I reached my hand out to him as he walked by. He smiled as he took my hand and sat down next to me.
"I have to drop something off at my mom's work today wanna come?" He asked.
"Sure," I said.
"Okay," he said and kissed my cheek. Linda and Jeff packed up the girls stuff and eventually they had to go.
"Girls, say goodbye to your cousins and Amelia," Jeff said.
"Bye bye," they said and hugged the three of us. They were so cute.
"Will we see you again?" Lilian asked as she hugged me. I looked at Owen and he nodded.
"Yeah you will," I said as I hugged her.
"Okay!" She smiled and the five of them left. They were so adorable.
Owen and I were currently getting ready to go drop off something at his mom's work.
"Owen!" His mom called as we walked down the stairs.
"Yeah?" Owen asked.
"Make sure you give the whole file to Chief Bailey, and last time I was there Cristina was asking for you," his mom said.
"Okay cool," he said and grabbed a folder from
His mom, "Will do."
"Thank you," his mom said. We both walked out to his car.
"So who's Cristina?" I asked as he got in the car.
"Oh she's this girl I used to volunteer with," he said, "and kinda my ex girlfriend."
"Ooh tea," I joked.
"I mean we don't have to see her I don't really care," He said.
"I'm kidding. We're in your home town it's normal to run into ex's. If we were in New York we'd definitely run into one of mine," I said.
"Okay," he said, "sounds good."
"So what does your mom do?" I asked.
"She's a nurse," he said.
"Cool," I said.
"And I used to volunteer here in high school to get some experience," he said.
"That's cool," I said, "Derek and I used to do something similar."
"Yeah," he said, "also, I didn't tell you this, but my family thinks you're awesome and they all loved you."
"Really?" I smiled. That was such a relief.
"Yes they love you," he said as he put his hand on my thigh as we continued driving.
"I wish my mom liked you," I admitted.
"Hey it's not your fault," he said.
"It's not yours either," I said.
"Maybe she'll come around," he said as we parked at the hospital. We got out and he grabbed my hand.
"I have to introduce you to my mentors here," he said.
"Okay," I smiled.
"And maybe Cristina," he joked as he kissed my head. We walked in and some lady recognized Owen right away.
"Owen!" She smiled, "oh my gosh it's so nice to see you! And who did you bring along? I'm Chief Bailey."
"Hi I'm Amelia," I smiled, "Owen's girlfriend." Owen looked at me and smiled.
"Oh my gosh it's so nice to meet you honey," Bailey smiled, "and I'm assuming Owen you have the file from your mom?"
"Yup right here," Owen said and gave it to her.
"Perfect thanks," she said, "I will let you show Amelia around, if you need anything you know where to find Richard or myself."
"Thanks," Owen said. We started walking down the hallway.
"She's nice," I said.
"Yeah," He said, "she is."
"Owen?" We heard. Owen and I turned around and saw a girl about our age sitting behind a desk answering phones. Cristina.
"Oh hey," Owen said, "Cristina."
"Hi," Cristina said and immediately looked at me.
"Cristina this is my girlfriend Amelia," Owen said.
"It's nice to meet you," Cristina said.
"You too," Amelia said.
"So um how's college?" Cristina said awkwardly.
"Hey I gotta use the bathroom I'll be right back," I said to owen to let him and Cristina talk. I kissed his cheek before I left and walked down the hallway.
"College is good," I said.
"That's good," she said.
"Yeah," I said.
"Girlfriend seems nice," she said.
"Yeah," I said.
"Does she go to Harvard too?" She asked.
"Yeah that's how we met," I said.
"That's cool," she said, "well I'll see you."
"I'll see you," I said. I walked down the hallway and Amelia came out of the bathroom.
"You abandoned me," I joked.
"Oh because you wanted me to witness the awkward conversation between you and your ex girlfriend?" She laughed, "I let you experience that by yourself." I chuckled as I put my arm around her. I love her so much.

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