[11] Dream's House

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Y/N hopped into her mom's car. Her parents had been kind enough to offer her a ride to the airport, to say goodbye before she headed to Florida, then England.

"Goodbye honey." Her mom said as they parked outside the airport. She gave her mom a quick hug, grabbed her suitcase, and headed inside, waving.

Y/N wasn't a particularly nervous flyer, but it definitely wasn't her favourite thing in the world. She'd flown a few times before, but never by herself. Luckily, it was only a 3 and a half hour flight to Florida, and she'd have Dream there for the longer one to London.

As she boarded her plane, she took some deep breaths, trying to stay calm. She put in her earbuds and listened to some music. She dozed off a little once the plane was in the air.

~~Time skip: 3.5 hours~~

Y/N was just getting off the plane. Once she connected to airport wifi, she texted Dream to let him know she landed.

Green Boy 🐸

I've landed!!

Great, I'm just at the baggage pickup

It was then that Y/N realized that neither of them knew what the other looked like. She knew a basic description of Dream: tall, blond, green eyes, but that was about it. He didn't know anything about her, like at all.

Green Boy 🐸

Shoot, I'll send you a picture of
what I'm wearing and stuff
so you can find me

Sounds good

^^picture of what you're wearing

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^^picture of what you're wearing

Y/N stood at the baggage claim, waiting and looking for a tall blond guy. It turned out to be harder than she thought.

Y/N was looking all around, looking for anyone tall. But it seemed like everyone was tall at the Florida Airport all of a sudden. She was still looking around when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
She spun around to see who it was. Behind her she saw a tall, blond, green eyes guy with freckles in a lime green hoodie. He had a wide grin on his face.
"Dream!" Y/N exclaimed, and he wrapped her up in a big hug.
"You're so short." He whispered into the top of her head as she hugged him.
"Oh shush." Y/N replied, pulling away and punching him jokingly in the arm. "I'm literally not short at all it's not my fault you're a giraffe."
They argued about their heights the whole way to the car, but they were both smiling the whole way. They really had the big brother and little sister relationship going strong, and they could both tell it was going to be a fun trip.

When they got to Dream's house, Y/N was shocked at how nice it was.
"You look so surprised." Dream noted.
"Yeah, didn't expect you to live this well, I guess. You play Minecraft all day, when did you get time to decorate a house?" Y/N laughed. She scooped up Patches and started to pet her. The cat meowed contentedly.
"She likes you." Dream told her, and Y/N smiled even wider.

It was getting late, but neither of them were tired. They were both too excited too sleep anyway. So they decided to film a video for Dream's YouTube channel. They were trying to beat Minecraft together as one player. Y/N was controlling the mouse, and Dream the keyboard. It was interesting, to say the least. They definitely had a few arguments. Y/N, even though she was an amazing speed runner, struggled to keep up with Dream's reckless playing. One time she wasn't paying attention and Dream jumped off a cliff. She didn't water bucket in time and they almost died.
"What are you doing??" Y/N yelled.
"Why weren't you paying attention?" Dream shouted back.
"You need to give me a heads up, geez."
"I didn't know you weren't ready!!" Dream said, putting his hands up. Y/N sighed and they continued playing.

~~time skip: 1 hour~~

Soon they had beat Minecraft, and they were both worn out, stomachs sore from laughing, or in Dream's case, wheezing. They realized it was almost 1 am and they needed to get to the airport. Their stuff was already packed and ready to go, so they jumped into the car.

Before they knew it, they were in the plane, heading to a new country to meet all their friends.

And they couldn't wait.

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