[15] Cliché

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Y/N woke up to the smell of gingerbread and cinnamon, the best way someone could wake up. She smiled. Niki was trying really hard to make sure her dream of a 'cliche Christmas' would come true after she had mentioned it the night before.

Y/N quickly got dressed and headed into the kitchen. In there she saw Wilbur with his arms wrapped around Niki, both of them smiling peacefully and waiting for the cookies to be ready.
"Hey you two." She said softly, not wanting to startle them.
"Oh, hey Y/N." Wilbur said, his voice still raspy from sleep. Y/N smiled at the pairs cute position. Usually when someone came in they would jump apart and start blushing like crazy, but it was just Y/N. She was quite literally their biggest fan. Niki and Wilbur were like her parents after all, they constantly joked that they had adopted three kids. The oven beeped, interrupting their thoughts. Niki pulled away from Wil to grab the cookies out, and set them on the counter. The smell of cinnamon intensified.

Wilbur flopped onto the couch, grabbing an old Christmas movie and sticking it in the tv. Niki joined him, followed by Y/N with a plate of cookies. There the three sat, with blankets on the couch, eating gingerbread cookies at 8 in the morning and watching Elf.

It was the perfect Christmas if you asked Y/N.

A while later, the others started waking up to the smell of fresh gingerbread cookies as well. "Merry Christmas!!" Niki and Y/N cheered as the sleepy boys groaned. It was Christmas morning, but they had already opened each other's gifts on the first day, leaving them with nothing else to do but sit down and watch Christmas movies with them.

A few hours of Elf and the Home Alone series later, everyone started to get bored.
"Get up guys, we're going." George said, which was unusual for him.
"Going where Gogy?" Sapnap asked, but George didn't answer, simply got into the van and started it up.
"Bring warm clothes!!" He yelled.
They drove happily to the mystery location, everyone chatting and enjoying the Christmas spirit.
"You're not going to murder us, are you George?" Dream asked joking. George just shrugged.
"George... why aren't you denying it?" Tommy asked, growing concerned.
"Guys," Y/N whispered, leaving pauses for effect. "I think he's... the imposter."
The van burst out into laughter.
"It's true I saw him vent!!" Tubbo added in, resulting in more laughter.
"Gogy kinda sus." Tommy pitched in between laughs. Right when everyone was about to stop laughing, Dream's wheezes caught them off guard and they continued laughing for a long time.

Not too long after, they pulled up at George's surprise: an outdoor ice skating rink.
"Awesome!!" Y/N cheered, dragging the boys over to get their skates.
Ice skating was very funny to watch. Y/N was a pro as she skated back home in Canada, most of the Brits where semi decent at skating, while Sapnap and Dream were stumbling around, slipping and sliding all over the place. Everyone took lots of pictures.


Liked by: @(y/n)islost, @tommyinnit, @tubbolive and 40,748 others@georgenotfound: Dream sucks at skating

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Liked by: @(y/n)islost, @tommyinnit, @tubbolive and 40,748 others
@georgenotfound: Dream sucks at skating

@sapnap: lol
--> @dreamwastaken you sucked just as bad sNaPmAp and that's on jah 🔫🥶
@wilbursoot: what a dork
—>@(y/n)islost: I agree

After many hours of skating and just goofing around, the gang decided to head back home. They were all freezing, especially Dream who was covered in the ice. It was a race to the showers when they got home, and Y/N laughed as Dream literally sprinted to the bathroom.

It was getting late, but no one wanted the night to end. The Americans were flying home after lunch the following day, so this was their last time together.
"We should play truth or dare." Tommy suggested, a mischievous grin on his face.
"Sure," Wilbur agreed. "Truth or dare Tommy?"
"I dare you to go outside and lay in the snow."
"Seriously?! I just got dry dude."
"A dares a dare, chicken." Tommy sighed and everyone else laughed as he squealed like a little girl when he got hit by the cold.
"Now that that's over with," Tommy said, scanning the room to look who to ask. "Ah Dream! Big D! Truth or dare?" Dream winced at the unfortunate nickname.
"Dare." He said, staring straight into Tommy soul, challenging him.
"I dare you to..." Tommy started, thinking hard. "Kiss George!!" He finished, smirking. Everyone burst out laughing.
"You gotta kiss the homies bro." Sapnap added, chuckling.
"George," Dream said, turning dramatically towards him. He gave him a quick peck on the cheek, then burst out laughing.
"Wait wot?" George asked. He hasn't really been paying attention to the game, which made the 'kiss' even funnier.

A few funny dares and questionable truths later, it was almost one in the morning. No one wanted to go to bed, but they begrudgingly did so, not wanting to be tired for the next days flight.

Give the story an upvote before you go! I think there's only going to be two chapters left so get excited!! :-)

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