[12] Hello England

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Dream and Y/N spent most of the long flight napping, just talking, and playing Minecraft on their phones. They were both super excited to meet all their friends.

"So can you tell me the plan again?" Y/N asked Dream as they were about to land.
"Wilbur and Niki are picking us up from the airport, and they will drive us to the air bnb where we are all staying tonight. Then we're going to meet the others."

Once they got into the airport, Dream texted Wil that they were there. They knew what Wilbur and Niki looked like of course, but those two didn't know what Dream and Y/N looked like. Y/N spotted Niki and Wilbur and ran over. Seeing Dream behind her, Niki and Wilbur quickly understood who they were and greeted everyone with a hug.
"It's so good to see you!" Niki exclaimed as they hugged. Y/N said her hellos to Wilbur as well and then the four of them got into the car.

When they arrived at the air bnb, Dream immediately went to say hi to George and Sapnap, his best friends. Y/N looked for her own best friend, and spotted Tommy sitting on a couch.
"Tommy!!" She said, running over and crushing him in hug.
"Oh, h-hi Y/N." he said, a little shocked. Everyone was a little shocked, of course, because this was the first time they saw what she looked like.

Once everyone had said hello to each other, Wilbur went over the sleeping arrangements. "There's three rooms," he explained, "one has three beds and the rest have two. Me and Niki decided to share one, the boys can have the triple one." he stated. "Y/N, you'll share with Tommy, if that's okay? We thought it would be the least awkward because you're the closet in age and all."
Y/N nodded her head, giving a sideways glance towards Tommy.
"That's fine." She said, and they all headed to their respective rooms.

Y/N flopped down on the bed in her and Tommy's room. "I'm starving." She said, and Tommy's stomach rumbled in agreement. He walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out a coke.
"Sweet!" He exclaimed, popping it open and taking a sip. "I'm so happy we're all here."
"Aww, is little Tommy gone all soft?" Y/N teased. Tommy went a little red but still retaliated.
"No, and I'm not little!! I'm tall and almost an adult!! You're one to talk, you're SHORT AND A CHILD."
"Oh Tommy, when will you ever learn that no matter how old you or everyone else is, you will always be The Child." A few minutes passed of their friendly argument, with Tommy yelling swears and flexing his 'muscles'. They were both rolling on their beds laughing when Wilbur walked in.
"Come children, we've ordered pizza and we're going to do our secret Santa now."
"I AM NOT A CHILD!!" Tommy screamed back at him for the thousandth time. Wilbur shook his head, laughing, and headed to the living room. The kids both grabbed their wrapped presents and followed him.

They all sat on the couch, eating pizza, as they handed around their presents. Everyone got extremely thoughtful presents. Dream got George new colourblind glasses, in the shape of his signature clout goggles. He loved them. George got Sapnap a joke present, but he loved it. They all laughed when Sapnap pulled a bright pink cowboy hat out of a box. On the back George had gotten his name engraved on the back, and it was adorable. Sapnap had been tasked with a present for Wilbur. They weren't the closest, so it must of been hard for him, but he came through with a set of silver guitar picks with fancy W's engraved on them. Wilbur got Niki an adorable strawberry cow plushie, and as a joke, his merch sweatshirt. She gave him a big hug. "I love it Wil."

Now Niki walked over to Y/N with a big bag in her hands. "For you." She said, presenting the bag to her. Y/N opened it excitedly. She gasped as she pulled out the iconic 'strawberry dress'.
"This is so gorgeous Niki!!" She swooned and gave her a big hug.
"I may or may not have gotten myself one to match you." Niki giggled.

Once she was finished gaping at the dress, Y/N walked her gift box over to Tommy.
"For me?!" He said jokingly. He opened the box and gasped as he pulled out the Coca Cola hoodie. "This is perfect Y/N!" He said giving her a hug.
"I got it so you don't have to always where that red shirt anymore!!" Y/N giggled. "But wait... there's more!!"
Tommy excitedly lifted another layer of tissue paper.

~~TW: Tommy (swears)~~

"Beginner's guide to Minecr-" he read out loud, then realized what it was. "LISTEN HERE BITCH! I MAY NOT SPEEDRUN BUT I AM NOT A FUCKING BEGINNER!!! HOW DARE YOU!!" He was yelling very angrily but everyone was just laughing at how red he got. Once he had started to calm down Y/N kept talking.
"Listen Tommy, just open it."
"I will not open it! I don't need to read a BEGINNERS handbook!" He protested.
"Just trust me."
Suspicious, he opened the book slowly, out fell the Hamilton soundtrack CD. His face lit up.
No one had ever seen someone's mood switch so quickly.
"Hamilton!! Yes!!" He said hugging Y/N again.
"You can listen to it with Tubbo!" she said gleefully, glad that he liked it.

Tommy had the last present to give, and it was for Dream. Clay opened it carefully, scared that the British boy had done something suspicious. Inside were surprisingly thoughtful presents, for Tommy at least. There was a purple embroidered collar for Patches, his cat, and a matching water bowl. He had also picked out a nerf gun, and Dream was confused.
"It's your very own vlog gun!!" Tommy said very proudly, causing everyone to laugh.

Sometime later, they all decided to watch a movie. To Y/N's dismay, they picked a scary movie: It 2. They all sat on the couch. George, Sapnap, and Y/N all got so scared that they clung to each other for dear life at all the scary parts, all while Dream and Tommy laughed at them. Niki and Wilbur had cuddled up with a blanket and everyone agreed that it was adorable.

Once the movie was finished, it was getting late. They all said their good nights and headed up to their rooms. Tommy and Y/N stood on the balcony, looking at the stars. When they got cold and tired, they headed to their beds. They talked far into the night, both excited to surprise their best friend the next day.

This chapter was so cute 🥺 please give it a vote before you go, and thank you everyone for 1.3k reads!!

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