6. Second Level.

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3rd POV...

"The only thing I need to do now is to increase my vitality. The agility is just making me fast" Asuna said to her friends making them look at her..."What?!" She said when she saw them looking at her.

"You can evade the attacks so why defence?!" Willow questioned.

"But some people are also fast like her." SILENT said.

"Is this the first time you're supporting me?" I joked causing SILENT to glare at me.

They chatted for sometime and Asuna asked Deathnote how he learnt about the eating in the game and how he knew that Asuna ate the Dead Queen.

Deathnote answered all her questions. He told her that he saw a girl eating monsters in the forest so he also tried it and got a skill before going to the dungeon. He explained how he paralyzed the boss.

"[Must be Maple or maybe a random girl who also knows]" Asuna thought.

"We are going to become powerful if all of us get the bosses' skills. So should we go to the second level or you want the bosses from the first level." Asuna said to them.

"Who said we are going to eat those disgusting things." SILENT said making a weird face.

"You always wanted to become powerful than me right? Then you have no choice" Asuna said smirking.

"We will be okay like this!" They all said at the same time.

Asuna looked at them surprised..."O-okay"

Asuna told them to go to the dungeons themselves but she had something to do so they left her alone.

Asuna sent Maple a message. She told her that she wanted to hang out. Maple agreed and told her where she was.

Asuna decided to run towards the location. Asuna sprinted towards the location.


Maple and her friend Risa logged into the game. Risa looked at her surroundings in awe.

"Ooh! So this is what it's like!" Risa said amazed.

"Isn't it great? I was pretty shocked when I logged in, too." Maple replied.

"I figured Kaede-- Oh, Shoot!" Risa stopped herself from mentioning Maple's real name.

"Is there a monster?" Maple asked her confused.

"Not that. It's bad forms to use real names. So remember to call me Sally, My real name in reverse. Sally." Risa said pointing to herself.

They talked for sometime and Asuna finally arrived.

They both heard heavy breathing behind them and turned to look at the person.

"H-hey" Asuna waved at them. She was tired due to all the running although she was fast.

"Do you know her, Maple?" Sally asked Maple.

Maple answered her question and Asuna also introduced herself. They all came to know each other.

"Now then, first things first" Sally said.

They all went to a nearby inn.

Maple and Sally were sitting on a bed in thee inn talking about their class. Asuna was also sitting there quietly listening to them.

"But since I want to be really fast, I put most of mine into agility." Sally said.

"You really gave it some thought" Maple said causing Sally to smile.

I hate being in pain, so I think I will make a full defence build x readerWhere stories live. Discover now