Ch. 1: The Story Begins To Unravel [4] (Daily Life)

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Author Note:

Last chapter to make death predictions for chapter one. 


Today I was awoken by something else that wasn't the sun, or my ChromePhone. It was—

"You better hurry your ass up and get out here, Saoirse!" A certain cyan haired girl who I instantly recognized the voice of. "Or else I'll find another nerd to replace as my test subject for my experiments!"

I quickly got up out of bed and went outside where I met with Prisha. She looked kinda annoyed that I kept her waiting, even though I didn't know she was coming over in the first place.

"Congratulations, Saoirse," She had her arms crossed. "You avoided getting murdered yesterday. Now, I have to deal with you for yet another day."

"That's a good thing, right?" I questioned, thinking that spending time was Prisha was good for improving my social skills.

"Well, it depends on if you consider being a test subject a good thing," She looked at me with a malicious smirk.

"Yeah," I awkwardly replied. "I think it's cool how you call socializing 'experiments' and your friends 'test subjects'."

"Uh, Saorise," She quickly adjusted her glasses. "We're not friends!... You could kill me any second if you actually had the means to, and you could solely be using me for benefits to survive this killing game. Plus," She paused and fluffed her pigtails. "You're too dumb to be my friend. As a genius, I only befriend people on my level! And you're clearly not on my level."

"Uhh," I don't get what Prisha is saying. Does she want to be talk to her or does she not want to talk to her? I'm so confused. "If we aren't friends yet that means we need to spend more time together, right?... I promise I won't kill you."

"You know," She pushed her glasses up, causing me to all eye contact with her. "Promises are meant to be broken."

"They are?..." I questioned, not knowing that. "My mum always said that promises are the strongest spoken swear to every exist. If you break a promise then you're soul is forever damaged beyond repair."

"Well, Saorise," She gave me that look she always gives me. "You've only interacted with your mum and a computer for like the last 2 years of your life. You know almost nothing about the real world."

"Um," I should have asked my mum for more tips on socializing. "What do I say now?"

"You know what," The cyannette sighed and then looked towards the Island Restaurant. "You're awkwardness makes me hungry. Let's go force someone to make breakfast for us."

Without any further talk, Prisha and I made our way to the Island Restaurant to get breakfast somehow.

* * *

Naomi had decided to make breakfast for everyone before she left to go play in the arcade. Most people showed up, though there were a few that didn't even show up. Sergey, Amari, Leo and Pix were nowhere to be seen at breakfast.

The morning announcements were nothing special to take note of. The just reminded everyone of the motive, which I chose to believe was only trying to tear us apart from Suki's theory.

Once breakfast ended, Noami headed off to the arcade. Nona also left. She probably wanted to be alone. Esprit also parted with us, though I believe he went somewhere that was quite to relax from everyone else.

I would have left too, if I wasn't so focused on trying to make friends. My mum was counting on me to have fun and enjoy myself during my experience with IUP, and I'm not letting a little killing game stop me.

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