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I walk out to the back yard feeling much better after I had gotten that off my chest. Mr. Bill was trimming the headages and Keven was in his tree house with a friend listening to the radio. Edward stood next to one of the untrimmed headages, mimicking what Mr. Bill was doing. I stood in awe as Edward started to trim away rapidly at the bush. When he was finished, the overgrown bush was now in the shape of a dinosaur!

"Dad look!"

"Well I'll be darned."

"Wow, Edward that's amazing! Your so talented!" I exclaimed.

"I'm glad you like it June." 

He continued to trim way on the rest of the overgrown bushes, making the shapes of the Boggs family. But he added one extra girl.

"Oh Edward! Its the whole family! Look Bill!" Mrs. Peg exclaimed, "Did you make June to dear, is that who the other girl is?"


"You are such an angel." I said as I placed my hand on his warm cheek, he beamed with pride at what he had accomplished. However the moment was short lived as Esmeralda made her way to the back yard.

 "Its not heaven he's from its from the stinking pits of hell, I can feel the power of satin in he can't you, have you sheep strayed so far from the path?"

"Were not sheep." Edward said as we walked towards her.

"Don't come near me!" she muttered as she slinked away.

"Edward don't listen to her." Mrs. Peg said as he went to go answer the door bell.

"I don't know what's wrong with her, she wasn't very friendly towards me when I first showed up here either." I told him trying to cheer him up, "How about we go inside?" Edward smiled and nodded as we walked inside.

  "I'm coming just give me a...." 

"Hi!" All the neabor ladies said at once.

"Why Peg when are you planning on introducing us to your guest? Its awfully rude to be keeping him all to your self." Joyce smirked.

"Oh well....I"

"What time did you say the barbeque was at?"


"You do plan on introducing us to your guest now don't you?"


"What time did you say the barbeque started?" Around 5?"

Soon all the women piped up saying what food they all bring, I could see and hear everything from my vantage point.

"And I will bring my ambrosia salad." Joyce said proudly, and with that they all left to come back at 5.

"Well that was something, gee I'm sorry about that Mrs. Peg. Gosh I wish those old crows would just mind there own business." I grumped.

"Oh that's just the way they are dear, there very insistent. June? Could you do something for me?"

"I sure will."

"Now I'm sure there's a way we could do this if you don't want to, and I understand if you......"

"What is it Mrs. Peg?"

"Could you please help Edward shower?"

"Well ok I guess."

"Oh thank you so much June, I know that he feels the most comfortable around you."

"Yeah no its fine, it will be fine, just fine." I said as I started to blush.

Edward & JuneWhere stories live. Discover now