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- Fendi Jackson
Atlanta, Georgia


"OMFG it's to early for this shii" I said getting out my bed fighting the air .

"Thank god it's Friday " I said while picking out my clothes for school .

While I let the shower warm uup I went to get my shower speaker and played my shower playlist .

"Damn this water hot asf " I said while getting in .

I grabbed my African rag and watch my body while listening to yb new album .


"ALL THIS PAIN IVE BEEN SHOWING"sung really feeling that part .

Getting ready to sing my heart out again my speaker cut off "wtf" I said .

"Gurl hurry uup and before we be late to school"Ava said .

"To smell and look good take time you should try it sometime " I said while brushing my teeth .

Got done brushing my teeth I went to my room finishing getting ready and grabbing stuff to leave .

"Damn took uu long enough almost left uur slow ass "jamar said .

Ian say nun just walked to the car and waited on them .

"Damn I wish I had my own car " I mumbled

As I was bout to go back in the house to tell them let's go they all came out .

"How y'all gon tell me I need to hurry before we be late and y'all ass was still in the house " I said to them

We all got in the car I put my airpods and tune them out all the way till we got to school .


I got out the car and started walking inside school listening to my music until somebody tapped me on my shoulder .

I turned my head and seen it was tyquan !

I took my airpod out and mugged him "how may I help uu " I said to him .

" Gurl why uu got to be so rude Ian even do nun but I just wanted to say hey" he said .

I don't even kn why he in my face ion even no Kidd like dhat .

"Hey " I told him keeping it short .

He nodded his head and walked off .

I looked around and seen that same girl Mimi or sum shii like dhat mugging me all I did was smile and walked off to my first period.

"Bitches wake uup and wanna start shii"I said to myself .

I walked in class and sat in the back and took my stuff out for class and waited till the teacher gave directions .

Got finished with my work and waited to the bell rung .

Walking to my next period and seen my Associate Kay we talked all lil .

"See uu at lunch sis" I said .

"Alr" was all she said before walking off .

Got to lunch and seen my brother at the table with tyquan .

"When did they become cool "I said in my head .

"Brotherrrr" I said to Bryson .

"Sister ! What do uu want " he said .

"Rude much " i said .

"But I'm hungryyyy" I whined .

"We have one more period left then uu can eat at home ".

"Ughh" I said rolling my eyes .

"I got sum li bitt " tyquan said pulling sum snacks out his bag .

I was debating on should take or not but a bitch is hungryyy .

"Thank uu "I said smiling .

"Fat ass " tyquan tried to mumbled .

"Ik my ass fat " I said turning around and smack my butt .

The bell ring for our last period everybody gathered and said they byes .

Walking in to my last class eating the snack tyquan gave me while walking to the back of the class I seen tyquan in the seat next to mine .

"When tf he get in this class and have to sit by me " I said

"I been in this class li gurl and cause I can sit by uu " he said .

"O shii is said that out loud "I said why sitting down in my seat getting my stuff out for this class .

The teacher came in talking I just was staring in space thing about if my like was different .

My thoughts got cut short when I heard somebody calling my name I looked uup and seen it was tyquan again .

"Yes how may I help uu " I said .

"It's time to go li bitt" he said .

Damn I was zoned out for the whole class o well I thought .

Gathering my stuff to go I walked out the class and seen my siblings at the car waiting for me walking to the car I hear sumbody calling my name .

" Damn everybody wanna call my name today ". I mumbled .

I see tyquan walking towards me and rolled my eyes .

"Yes how may I help uu sir "I said to him .

"I just wanted to say bye li bitt" he says while laughing .

"Well bye " I said and walk off .


I got home did my home work , eat , took a shower and turn on Netflix and made sure my phone was on the charger and went to sleep .

my dawg did good fah her first time writing - nuu

- itts China hoess💚.

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