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- Mianna chains
Atlanta, Georgia

"Uggh" I said as I seen quan calling me .

I grabbed my phone off my night stand .

" Yes bae" I said answering the phone .

"Uu wanna go out to eat with me ? " he asked me .

I know y'all like she a hoe ! Don't she talk to his friend ?

See the thing is me and quan have been messing around behind tyquan back quan don't really fw him how he thinks quan do & I just want his money to be honest but on dl .

"Sure , what time ! " I asked .

"7;00" he said .

"Cool text me when uu get here " I told him before hanging uup .

"Its now 5:30 let me set my alarm for 6:00 I'm finna take a li nap " I said to myself .

"Damn that was a short ass nap " I said getting my stuff i need for my shower .

Getting in the shower wash my body real quick , got out and brushy my teeth and wash my face .

Going into my room getting dress I got a text from quan saying he outside .

I grabbed my purse , lipgloss & put on my perfume before walking out my room .

Headed out the front door I see quan wait for me .

"Damn he look good " I said to my self .

"Thanks ma " he said .

I put my head down in embarrassment .

" Can I get a hug " he said while smiling .

I walked uup to him and hold my arm open as he came in .

"He smells so good " I mumbled

" hmm " he said

" nothing " was all I said before we release from the hug and he open the door for me .

"Thank uu " I said blushing .

He walked to the other side and got in .

" where we going " I asked looking at him .

"Uu in my business , yeah don't do that " he said while pulling off as we both laughed .

I felt someone shaking me I looked over and seen quan in my face smiling .

"Ma we here " he said .

I looked uup and seen we were at crafty crabs I got so happy .

He came around and open my door for me .

"Thank uu" I said .

"No problem " he said while we walking into crafty crabs .

"Reservation for marquan " quan said .

"Right this way " the waiter said .

We followed behind her and sat down .

"Hi my name Sasha I would be taking uur order today "she said

"What kind of drinks can I get uu guys "she asked smiling .

"Sprite" I said .

"A pink lemonade " quan said .

"I will be right back with y'all drinks " she said walking off .

"Soo " was all quan said .

"Soo what " I said back to him .

"Me and ty not cool nomo we got into it yesterday "he said .

"Why" I asked .

" He asked me and Nate what we were looking at I showed him the video of uu talking bout that bitch fendi " he told me .

"As uu should bae " I said while laughing .

Sasha came back with our food and drinks .

We kept talking and eating till we were full and left .

"Bae " he said facing me .

"Yes" i said as he parking in the front of my house .

" Nate having a house party Saturday Uu wanna go " he asked me .

"Yeah but we can't be around each other so it don't seem suspicious " i said .

"Alr " was he said be for letting me out the car .

"Love uu mianna " quan said .

" Love uu too marquan " I said before walking into my house .

Went uup to my room took my clothes off and went to sleep .

- Yoo 🤟🏾💚.
- this short but get them votes to 15 to 20 like for another chapter .

so y'all imma let China have this book and she gone take it her own li vibe I'm signing out of this book well y'all might see me in a couple chapters who knows 🤷🏾‍♀️. - NUUDABABY 🐍💚.

- its China bitches 🥳.

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